The "good night" text he sends you

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These are kinda dumb but it's fine.
I'm sorry we don't spend more time together, work is getting to me, taking care of these boys is hard but thank you for helping me through it. I love you, good night. Hopefully I'll spend time with you soon.
Thank you for bringing me lunch to the DX, you're really sweet. How'd I end up with you? Good night, love.😘
Thanks for letting me borrow this book, I enjoyed it. I'm glad you lent it to me. I love you good night🥰
I'm sorry I got grease on your favorite shirt when I hugged you😕 don't be mad I love you🥴
I had fun tonight I love looking at the sky with you especially when the moonlight is in your eyes. I love you and always will. You truly keep me going. Good night princess.🌸
Look I'm a jerk... truth is I've never loved and I don't know how to, but I love you. I can barely admit it out loud but I do. I hope you see that I'm trying to better myself for you. Good night.🖤
Why are you asleep🙄 I just miss u gn😩

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