Dallas x Reader

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Warning this is smut
It's a dream I had about Dallas

It was the middle of the night, probably around midnight. My brother and the gang were hanging out, and Dal decided to spend the night. I had a crush on him and he knew that because I can't hide things very well. I was upstairs, while my brother was asleep in our dads room downstairs, normally dad would be here but he works night shifts. I got out of my bed to go get some water from the kitchen when I noticed Dallas standing at the top of the stairs smirking at me. "You wanna fuck?" He said still smirking "what happens if I say yes?" I asked seductively, and by this point my face was barely inches from his. "Then we'll fuck" he said. "Okay" I replied and led him to my room where I closed and locked the door. We undressed and I laid sideways on the bed so that my legs were hanging off and Dallas was standing. "If you feel uncomfortable at any time tell me to stop and I will. No sweat." He positioned himself in front of me and I told him it was okay and he started thrusting slowly. He picked up the pace until I couldn't take it "Dally! I-I can't hold it! I'm gonna cum!" "Cum for me beautiful." When he said that I released all over him and he pulled out and released on my chest. After that we made out for a little while before he decided to go back downstairs. He was starting down the steps when I called after him "Dally, wait." He spun around. "I love you Dallas. Maybe you don't love me but I had to tell you how I feel." Dallas walked back up to me and put his arms loosely around my waist. "I love you too, I really do. I'm just bad with words and I wanted to show you that I want you to be mine."
"Dallas are you asking me to be your girlfriend?"
"Yes. I am."
"Then yes I'll be your girlfriend."

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