Dallas finds out you have an eating disorder

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I absolutely am not promoting or romanticizing anything like this. And you probably won't see many things like this from me. So warning this may be triggering.

You and Dally were on the way back to your house after seeing a movie. You could tell he was angry but were unsure if it was you he was angry with. The whole walk home was awkwardly silent. The last time you talked was at the beginning of the movie since you were both really into it. Dallas just walked with you, silently smoking a cigarette. He wasn't even wearing his leather jacket he just had it draped around his shoulders. You got home and opened the door and immediately sat down on the couch. You turned on the TV to try and distract yourself from the fact that he was visibly upset. Dallas just stood there facing away from you in the direction of the kitchen. He turned slightly so now he was facing his side to you still puffing away on the cigarette. You built up what courage you had and asked "Dal what's wrong? You-" before you could comment on how he's been nothing but quiet he cut you off "what's wrong is that I just spent all that money on food and you didn't eat a damn thing! If you didn't want to eat you should have said it before I bou-" before he could finish you cut him off too. "Dallas I have an eating disorder." You said quickly just trying to get it out as if you had to force the words out of your chest. Dally had a confused look on his face, he had an idea of what you said but he wasn't sure partially because you had said it so fast and partially because you interrupted him and the sound of his deep voice slightly masked your voice. "Hah?" He asked with the same dumb look as if he had just taken a slap to the face. "I said-" you started as you rose up and walked over to him. "I have an eating disorder" "so- so what the hell does that mean, man?" "Dammit Dallas do I have to draw you a picture?!" Your voice rose and you were almost yelling but you got soft again because you were on the verge of tears. "It's when I don't eat for a long time... I don't eat cause I feel like I'm fat." You looked down not wanting to see the hurt in Dally's eyes. He put his fingers under your chin and forced you to look at him your eyes were met with his chocolate brown ones and rubbed your bottom lip with his thumb while he still kept his hand under your chin. That was something he knew always calmed you down. "Hey, listen man. You need to stop. I don't like anyone hurting my baby, I don't care if it's you or someone else. Please start to eat more." You promised you would "raise up your shirt." He demanded "Dal, please-" "I said raise up your shirt." You did as you were told and he looked so crushed as he saw your ribs poking out. He kissed down your chest and your stomach and then he started kissing back up until he met your lips. He rested his forehead against yours mumbling the words "you're beautiful"

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