Sick Two-Bit headcanons

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Oh my god

He's so annoying when he's sick

He's not making jokes, instead he's being overly dramatic about everything

"Y/n... I think I'm dying"
*sneezes again*
"Oh god, please save me a place in heaven cause I'm on my way"

He's so hungry the whole time.
Like you'll make him some soup and immediately after he's done with it he'll ask for more

He's really sleepy and very cuddly

Like he'll hold onto the nearest object that's there if you're not next to him. He'll cuddle with his pillows usually. If you're with him he always cuddles you.

He acts like a little kid when it comes to medicine. He hates the way it tastes and he says he'd rather let the sickness kill him than take it, but he ends up taking it anyway

He'll yell your name and then when you enter the room he'll ask you to get something that's like 2 inches out of reach.

When he's sick it's usually pretty bad.

He'll be throwing up, have chills, cold sweats, body aches, shaking, migraines, runny nose, cough, sneeze, fever, etc and it's the worst thing he's ever experienced

You do everything for him because you feel bad for him

He's in hella pain but when he's asleep he looks so calm and relaxed and every time he sleeps he wakes up feeling slightly better

He'll want you to run his back because the poor baby just hurts all over. It also makes him sleepy so you rub it until he's lightly snoring

He's so cute tbh

He'll be like
"Y/n come cuddle with me"
"Y/n can you massage my shoulders?"
"Y/n it hurts again help"

He's usually better after a week.
He always takes you on a little date to make up for having to take care of him.

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