Steve Randle x Reader "Be Nice"

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Steve was being an ass.
Plain and simple.
"Sorry Ponyboy we're taking y/n and Sandy." Soda said to whatever Ponyboy had asked, you didn't hear because you had only just stepped out onto the Curtis' porch
"And that means no kids!" Steve all but yelled at Pony. He was being mean and picking on Ponyboy again for whatever reason and you smacked him a good one upside the head after that he knocked it off and left Ponyboy alone. Not too long after the two of you walked back to your house since it was only about a 20 second walk. On the way back you told Steve "I wish you'd be nicer to Ponyboy" "Why's that?" He asked confused. "Because Soda is Ponyboy's brother and he only wants to spend time with him, besides Soda is the one that's always asking Pony to go places, and if it bothers you, maybe you should let Soda know. He'll understand and he'll probably stop asking Pony to go places all the time." By this time the two of you were already inside and Steve was laying on top of you on the couch with his head in the crook of your neck "yeah I'll talk to Soda later." "And you'll stop being mean to Ponyboy, right?" "Yeah I'll leave the kid alone" "Steve?" "Huh?" I love you" "I love you too"

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