Cuddling with Johnny headcanons

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❤️he can be warm or cold it just depends on the temperature in the room and how many blankets y'all have

❤️he likes to face you but y'all spoon sometimes too

❤️he turns in his sleep sometimes so you often end up being the big spoon but neither of you mind

❤️y'all def play with each other's hair

❤️soft sweet kisses

❤️super innocent and wholesome

❤️y'all talk about happy subjects and laugh quietly a lot

❤️he gets sleepy fast

❤️usually you hold hands with your fingers intertwined

❤️if I said you didn't have your legs intertwined I'd be a liar

❤️he whispers that you're beautiful

❤️he'll randomly tighten his grip on you slightly and then release it just as fast

❤️he makes cute little whimpers in his sleep

❤️he quietly snores

❤️he'll wake up if you get up because he'll feel your presence is gone, since he basically sleeps with one eye open all the time anyway.

❤️like if you shift around he won't notice because he can still feel that you're there

❤️but if you get up even to get some water or something he'll get up and follow you because he ofc wants to be around you

❤️loves when you kiss his scar

❤️will kiss your temple in return if you do it

❤️literally just a lil cinnamon roll

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