The gang as messages I sent to my friends

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Darry: I'll beat tf out of you😂

Sodapop: Okay so like everyone talks about like the edge pieces when they make brownies but like what about the edge pieces of other stuff like pizza
That's all edge pieces
Sorry I didn't think that through💀

Ponyboy: Sorry to disappoint you like I do everyone else😂😂😂

Steve: I love Tom Cruise okay sue me🙄 (my mom was mad cause I kept talking about Tom Cruise😂)

Johnny: My life is an emotional roller coaster rn😂
It do be like that sometimes

Dallas: I thought you said Hitler lmao (my friends showed me her cat named Helter)

Two-Bit: DONT IGNORE MY CHICKENS (I sent my friend pictures of my new baby chickens and I got left on read)

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