Dating Dallas Would Include

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⚠️ sexual content ⚠️

Dating Dallas would include

-him being jealous of everyone that talks to you

-lots of sex

-morning woodTM = morning sexTM

-always ready for sex

-always hungry

-eats literally all the food


-lots of arguments


-socs leave you alone because they're scared of you

-"hey that's Winston's girl"

-even greaser guys are scared of talking to you

-"when did I say you could talk to my girl? Get out before I drag your ass out"

-only lets you talk to the gang

-him never letting you go anywhere alone

-but it deadass don't matter cause people are scared shitless of you anyway💀

-cleaning him up after fights and rumbles

-him acting like he hates cuddling but it actually melts his heart

-he likes to hold you when you're asleep and give you kisses and tells you how much he loves you to the best of his ability (aw)

-he's scared of losing you but he doesn't know how to say it

-this boy is bad with words

-like really bad

-"I love you Dal"

-"uh, aight"

-he loves you more than you think he just doesn't know how to say it because he's never loved before

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