Cuddling with Dally headcanons

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❤️he's literally always so warm despite the rooms temperature

❤️ALWAYS the big spoon because he likes to feel like a big boi

❤️if y'all are spooning and he rolls over then too bad guess you'll freeze to death🤷‍♀️

❤️won't let you play with his hair cause he wants to be a tuff boi but he's actually a baby at heart

❤️but when he's too tired to care or he's asleep you play with his hair anyway

❤️he's literally a giant baby and always wants you to be near him

❤️"excuse me little lady I'm not through cuddling yet"

❤️literally if you try to get up he'll make an grunting noise or say no like a baby


❤️literally if you try to leave he'll wrap his arms tighter around you

❤️"Dal I need to check on dinner" "MMMMMMM NO"

❤️always wants you to lay on top of him with your head on his chest while he has his arms loosely around you while you have a leg on each side of him

❤️and you love it because you can feel his chest heave as he breathes and listening to his heart beat is so relaxing

❤️his hair is always messy

❤️he'll ask "you still comfy?" After y'all switch positions

❤️he takes lots of deep breaths for some reason

❤️he could have his own pillows that are comfy af and he'll still put his head on your pillows so y'all are sharing

❤️not really a blanket hog at all even in his sleep

❤️he always makes sure you have enough blankets

❤️he'll always rub your back even without you asking

❤️but then he'll always ask you to rub his back or his shoulders

❤️he'll lay on his back while you straddle him and run his back and he'll always let out a "mmm" or a relaxed sigh and you'll lean down and whisper that you love him in his ear which makes him smile

❤️never admits it but it's obvious he loves cuddling with you

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