When he gets sick

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Darry: Darry will go to work anyway despite you trying to tell him no. He says he can't afford it even though you offer to help him out. But when he comes home he lets you take care of him

Sodapop: Soda pretends to not be sick because he wants to go to work so he can help Darry with the bills and he wants to hang out with Steve. Like Darry though, he lets you take care of him when he comes home from work.

Ponyboy: Darry won't let Ponyboy go to school sick so he calls you and tells you he won't be there. So you go to his house to check on him and take care of him until his brothers come home. Soda and Darry are thankful for you watching after him so that they can still work since they can't afford to stay home with him. But you'd rather be with Pony than go to school anyway, so it's no big deal.

Steve: Steve becomes a cuddle monster and wants nothing more than your love and attention, although he doesn't want you to do everything for him he lets you, and you love that he wants to cuddle because you think he's so cute when he's like that. And after he's all better he makes it up to you by taking you out on a nice date and tells you how much he loves and appreciates what you do for him.

Johnny: Johnny always stays with someone else when he's sick. He'll either be at the Curtis', Two-Bit's, or your house. If he's at someone else's house he'll whine and complain that he wants you until who ever is with him calls you and asks you to come over. When you get there he'll ask you to make him some soup and bring him some medicine. Once he eats and takes his medicine he falls asleep and you go home and call to check on him every hour or so.

Dallas: Like Steve, Dallas just wants to cuddle with you and he wants to be near you, but he's stubborn and always tries to do things on his own but you won't let him. It annoys him because he's capable of taking care of himself and you both know it. He wants you to hold him and let him do everything else but he knows it won't happen so every time he gets sick he denies it so that you won't work your own ass off trying to make him better. He also LOVES to be babied by you but he'll never admit to it

"Dal the soup is hot make sure you blow on it"
"y/n I can feed myself you know?"

Two-Bit:  Two is his regular self just a little more sleepy and whiny than usual. He makes jokes trying to lighten the mood. He also doesn't expect to be babied or taken care of but you do anyway. He loves it and appreciates you for it and often times he'll take a shower and wash the grease out of his hair then throw a pillow in your lap and ask you to play with his hair. After that he falls asleep on you while watching cartoons.

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