Cuddling with Ponyboy headcanons

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❤️like lots of snacks

❤️the whole bed is littered with bags of potato chips, Oreos, you name it, it's prob on the bed somewhere

❤️he reads to you the whole time

❤️usually instead of feeding himself he'll just open his mouth and wait for you to stuff his face full of food for him

❤️he falls asleep when you play with his hair

❤️he could be in the middle of reading and you'll stroke his hair and he'll be out

❤️Darry constantly checking on y'all because y'all are "tEeNaGeRs" and "hE wAs YoUr AgE oNcE"

❤️sometimes he'll send Sodapop to check on y'all instead

❤️but y'all really don't even think about doing anything bad cause you're both innocent babies

❤️sometimes he forgets you're there and starts reading to himself

❤️kissing his cheek all the time

❤️falling asleep together

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