Two-Bit finds out you have an eating disorder

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Today was Two-Bit and I's one year anniversary and we went to a restaurant. I had never told him about my eating disorder and he never seemed to notice so I thought maybe he didn't care or wasn't bothered by it. We were on our way back to my house, I was in a casual yet somewhat fancy dress and he was in his nicest jeans and of course a Mickey Mouse shirt the walk was quite when suddenly he asked "How come ya' didn't eat?" I was slightly surprised. I thought he knew "in fact, you almost never eat anything at all. Why? And don't tell me it's cause ya' ain't hungry." Man I wanted to run away, but I was in heels, and besides where would I go. "Well? Answer me would ya'?" I had realized I'd been silent and was ignoring him. "I-I.. I don't know." I said. I felt ashamed. If I told him it would hurt him. Keith has been hurt so much as it is how could I hurt him even more? He let out an irritated sigh and tried again. Obviously noticing the fear in my voice he said "Listen, as long as ya' tell me, I ain't gonna be mad at ya'. So just tell me what's going on." I had to muster up all my courage and I still could barely tell him. What if he left me over it? What if he doesn't love me anymore? I simply replied with "I can't tell you." "Oh? And why's that?" "Because you won't think I'm pretty anymore. You'll leave me for someone else." Hearing this made him stop walking "Now what in the world makes you think I'll leave over you not eating?" There was no way out. I had to tell him. "I have an eating disorder, Keith." I couldn't believe it. Did I honestly just tell him that? "Oh..." was all he could say. "I understand if you don't want to be with me anym-" "It ain't that, I just feel bad for not knowing sooner. Let me help you. I wanna be there for you and help you get over it." And from then on he always made sure I was eating enough, and he really did help me.

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