Relationship with Dally questions

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Who is the most affectionate?: you

Most common argument?: surprisingly y'all don't argue that much unless he's jealous

Who apologizes first?: Dally because if y'all do argue he usually starts it

Favorite (non-sexual) activity to do together?: go to movies

Who drives and who rides shotgun?: Dally drives

Nicknames?: no nicknames, just pet names

Who proposes?: Dally

Who sings along with the radio?: both of you

Who worries most?: you

Who always wants to take selfies with the other?: you

Who likes to playfully tease the other?: Dally

Who has the weirdest music taste?: him probably

Who remembers what the other always orders at a restaurant?: you

Who is embarrassed to take their clothes off in front of the other?: you

Who initiates kisses?: him

Who reaches for the others hand first?: you

Who kisses hardest?: him

Who is most ticklish?: you

Who brings an animal they found home?: you

Who holds the umbrella for the other when it rains?: him

Who tries to playfully embarrass the other in public?: him

Who kills the bugs?: him

Who asks weird random questions in the middle of the night?: you

Who hogs the blankets?: him

Who wakes up first?: you

Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?: him

Who always makes coffee for the other each morning?: you

Who cries during certain films or or when reading sad books?: you

Who gets scared during horror films?: you

Who cuts the others hair?: you

Who says "I love you" first?: you

Who tells their friends/family about the relationship first?: your friends probably don't like him, but his like you.

What do their friends/family think of their relationship?: they like you and they think you're good for him

Who is more likely to ask the other to dance with them?: you

Who cooks best?: you

Who wears the others jacket?: you

Who uses cheesy pickup lines?: you, he uses dirty ones

Who makes the other laugh most?: you

Who needs more reassurance?: you

Who would have to bail who out of jail?: is this even a question😂

What would be their theme song?: Marty McFly by Luke Christopher

Who would sing their child to sleep?: you

What do they do when they're away from each other?: he goes about his normal day

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