Gang imagine

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This is modern (also the Curtis parents are alive in this c:❤️)
Also this takes place in a neighborhood in my city so I'm sorry it's not in Tulsa I just wanted to make something unique.

I woke up sore all over, my arms, my legs, my back and especially my head. I told my dad how I was feeling and he scheduled an appointment for the same day, turns out I have the flu. Great. I spent all day hanging out with my dad and we watched some of his favorite movies and ate ice cream all day. The next day he was at work so I texted my best friend Shy and asked her to come help me out. Of course I didn't ask her to "take care of me" she just did simple stuff like reminding to take my medicine.

"Hey Two-Bit where's your cousin man?"
"I don't know, Pony I haven't heard from her the past couple days."
"Maybe she's sick dear" Mrs. Curtis called from the kitchen "there has been something going around lately."
"Yeah man maybe we should check on her" Johnny chimed in
"Yeah I was headed over there anyway, I was gonna see if her and her brother wanted to catch a movie tonight." Two-Bit said rising from his place on the sofa.

***MY HOUSE(not actually lmao)***

I was laying on the couch watching my favorite childhood movie, Coraline, when I heard a knock on the door. Shy was making some soup, I told her she didn't have to but she insisted and I didn't feel up to arguing anyway. I got off the couch wrapping my blanket around me because even in summer, I had chills. I slowly made my way to the door opening it
"What do you want" I snapped looking down not knowing who was at the door or why I even snapped at them
"Hey what's up, grumpy cat?" Two-Bit asked. Hearing his voice made my head shoot up.
"Sorry guys, I don't feel well." I said as I stepped aside letting the boys in. All 7 took up the length of the couch. Well, there goes me getting any sleep until they leave. I sat down facing them at the coffee table.
"Your soups ready." Shy said sitting the steaming bowl in front of me.
"So you're sick, huh, kid? I thought you were tough." Dally said trying to anger me. Dally was always picking on me, but it's just how he shows that he cares about people.
"I ain't sick." I said in a matter of fact tone.
"Immune game strong AF." I said, pronouncing the letters of "AF"
Two-Bit started cackling and the rest of the gang rolled their eyes and smiled.
I immediately had to sneeze, which sent a wave of pain to my sinuses "owwwww" I whined
"So you're not sick huh?" Sodapop said smiling his movie star smile at me.
"Nope" I said with a mouth full of soup.
I was only half lying, I was surrounded by family, that always makes me feel better.

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