Reader x Two-Bit

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Bittersweet yet fluffy

It had rained earlier today. I was sitting on my grandpas old van in the backyard listening to music on my phone while sitting on a towel. I sat there puffing away on a cancer stick. The sky was clouded making the stars nearly impossible to see. I was thinking about my life recently and listening to the crickets. Suddenly a crunch pulled me from my thoughts. I turned around slowly to see Two-Bit Mathews. My crush and best friend. He was standing about 5 feet away perfectly still with his leather jacket in his hands. I motioned for him to come sit with me with my head. He got the picture and nodded silently throwing his jacket down next to me and climbing up on the van to sit on it. He took a seat with his jacket underneath him and opened a can of beer taking a drink. We both silently looked at the sky for about 15 minutes when he spoke. "Haven't heard from ya lately. How come?" He took another swig of beer. "I've just had a lot going on. I just don't want to push my problems on anyone. Everyone has their own problems they shouldn't have to deal with mine." This made Keith stop looking at the stars and look at me. I didn't look back though, my eyes stayed in plaice because I knew I was going to cry soon. "Emma what are you talking about?" I closed my eyes and took one deep breath and a tear fell down my face. It was on my right while Two-Bit was to my left so he didn't see it. "It's... its my parents." My voice was steady but I let out a sniffle. "Hey doll, don't cry." Keith moved closer to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. He had his lips pressed against the side of my head but he didn't kiss me. "My parents are divorced and my mom already found a new guy. It's stupid I know but I'm torn between my parents and they're ripping me apart." "So this is why you've been distant with me? Emma I don't want you going through this alone... please let me be there for you." I wrapped my arms around him and held him. We stayed like that for about another 20 minutes. "Two-Bit I need to tell you something."
"Anything you need to say. I'm listening doll."
"Another reason I haven't been hanging around, is because I think I'm in love with you. I'm sure you don't feel the same. But I had to tell you."
"I'm in love with you too. I've been waiting on you to realize it. Will you be my girl?"
"Of course Two-Bit. Come on let's go inside you can stay with me tonight."
And with that we went into the house and told each other how much we loved each other and eventually fell asleep.

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