Johnny Cade part 4 "It's a boy"

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A few weeks after we left to head for Tulsa I started to feel sick. I knew something was off and I talked to my mom over the phone. "Well, I'm only asking this because I've had 4 kids myself, but it sounds like you're pregnant" she said. I was about to jump out of my own skin. Pregnant? I was so happy, and Johnny would be too. I had to tell him. Then I suddenly stopped myself. Being a nurse myself I was pretty sure all along I was pregnant. But the fact that someone else mentioned it, and out loud, made me realize it. We'd either have a little Emma or a little Johnny. I thanked my mom and hung up. The next day on the way to work I bought a pregnancy test, and as soon as I got to the office I took it. Positive. I was so happy! We're going to have a baby! I wanted to call Johnny but I decided to wait and invite the whole gang over for dinner. It wasn't unusual to do since they were like family to us. I kept the pregnancy test and hid it from Johnny in my car. He'd never find it considering he had his own car.
That night we cuddled and talked about our days while I managed to keep from telling him the big news. "I'm thinking of inviting the guys over for dinner tomorrow night. Is that okay?" "It's fine with me baby." Johnny replied with a yawn while I grabbed my phone to text the gang and invite them over. Everyone said they'd be there and then Johnny and I went to sleep. I woke up and Johnny had already been up. He was wearing jeans without a shirt. "Emma have you seen my shirts?" "Yes love, they're in the dryer" I called back to him. I asked another nurse at break if she'd help me run some tests to find out the gender. It's a boy. Our baby is a boy. That day at work I could hardly focus on patients, and that night I was even more nervous. The boys showed up and we greeted them all. I was seated at the head of the table. To my left was Johnny, Pony, and Soda. To my right was Two-Bit, Dally, and Steve and on the other head of the table was Darry. I was thinking about how I was going to tell them. I was scared. Maybe I should have told Johnny first, but it was too late now. I stated to feel sick to my stomach. Thankfully it didn't feel as if I was going to throw up. But I could feel myself going pale. Darry had looked up for a quick second and then back down. Immediately after looking down he looked upwards once more. "Say Emma you're real pale are you okay?" By this point 7 pairs of eyes were on me. "Yes, I'm fine I've just been kind of sick the past few weeks." Pony, being the intelligent kid he always was said "it sounds like you could be pregnant" again, at this point everyone was staring at me. I quickly took a drink of my water trying to by myself some time. As soon as I put the glass down I looked at Johnny who's eyes were somewhat wide. "A-are you?.." He asked with excitement and hopefulness in his tone. I looked between the 7 pairs of eyes that were fixed upon me before I smiled and said "it's a boy" with a laugh. All the boys were just as excited as me. Johnny stood and gently pulled me up with him as he pulled me into a kiss. We hugged everyone and they all went home. We fell asleep discussing our new baby boy.

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