Cuddling with Steve headcanons

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Hey guys! So I'm starting a Breakfast Club preference book so I'll let ya know when chapter one is out❤️

❤️y'all prob watch movies the whole time

❤️usually when he's home from work and he's all greasy from cars

❤️so you immediately make him take a shower

❤️then he's all sleepy so you cuddle with him in bed

❤️he's so cute when he sleeps

❤️almost never snores

❤️can't fall asleep without you

❤️wants to lay down while you lay with your head on his chest

❤️and he smells really good when he cleans himself up and washes off all the grease

❤️y'all don't have a specific position

❤️he could literally just lay in any position and you'll lay on top of him

❤️like he'll lay on his stomach in starfish position and you'll just lay on his back

❤️one time the gang came in on that exact scenario and they laughed at y'all

❤️even Johnny and Darry couldn't help but giggle

❤️doesn't care about the position because he's just glad to be near you

❤️he loves you so much

❤️he's so cute when he's tired

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