Spending the night with Dally headcanons

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❤️either your house or Buck's

❤️if it's yours he'll get out of bed to smoke a cigarette because he doesn't want to burn the bed

❤️you're somewhat prone to nightmares (this is actually me💀)

❤️so when you wake up you look to him for comfort

❤️and when you realize he's not there you get up and go downstairs and he's standing facing away from you smoking

❤️so you quietly come up behind him and wrap your arms around him and lay your head on the back of his shoulder

❤️and he wasn't even a little bit surprised because he knew it was you

❤️and with his sleepy voice he asks "what are you doing up at this time?"😩

❤️and you'll casually say that you're having nightmares without him and you need him so he takes you back up stairs and he holds you until you go to sleep again

❤️his sleepy voice is the best😩

❤️you try to make him talk when he's sleepy so you can hear it

❤️his sleepy voice is sexy honestly

❤️ngl it's sexual af

❤️heated make outs

❤️he flirts the whole time he's there

❤️y'all stay up sorta late watching movies or doing something else

❤️he's just happy because he's spending time with you

❤️he'll hide stuff he knows you need cause he thinks it's cute watching you run around and look for it

❤️"Dally, WHERE is my toothbrush?"

❤️"no idea, man."

❤️"I know you hid it."

❤️tickle fights because he thinks it's cute how you giggle and run away

❤️while you cook dinner he has his arms around you

❤️it's kinda wholesome tbh

❤️he loves it

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