Love Confession (Johnny Cade)

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Johnny's POV

I was walking to Emma's house, the way I usually did after school, but today she wasn't home. She was in Texas visiting her older sister for two weeks, she'd only been gone for 3 days and I already miss her. She's my best friend. My closest one since forever. She's a part of the gang so they get along with her too, we met when we were little, through her cousin, my buddy Two-Bit. I often went to her house to avoid going home or to the lot. Her brother was there and he's a cool guy, so we hung out a while.
"Oh yeah... Emma left a note for you before she left for Texas. I don't know what it says, but it's on the table"
He pointed to the kitchen and I pushed myself off of the couch to see what she wanted me to know.

Hey Johnnycake, I would have said this in person, but I was too shy.
I know you don't really like life, and you don't like yourself too much either.
But I love you, and I wanted to tell you all the things I love about you.
I love your hair, and the way it's always so heavily greased.
I love your smile, even though you don't smile often, it gives me butterflies when you do.
I love your voice, and how it sounds when you're around the gang and your guard is finally down.
I love your eyes, and how dark they are, because they shine so much.
I love your eyelashes, and how long they are.
I love the way you walk, I've noticed you always have your hands in your jacket pockets when you walk.
I love when we're in the lot, I always sneak glances at you, because to me, you're perfect.
I love when you're passionate about something, because you become so bubbly when you talk about it.
When you told me you wanted to die, I broke inside.
When you told me you hated yourself, it made me want to tell you, that you're nothing to hate; you're absolutely perfect in every aspect.
I think you're the best thing to ever happen to me.
Even if you're not mine, yet.

Yours truly,

Wow. I didn't realize someone could love little details about me like that.
And glory, did I ever feel the same.
I kept the note, and when she came back to Tulsa, I made sure to tell her every detail I loved about her.

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