Relationship with Johnny headcanons

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❤️him being v v shy around you especially since you're dating

❤️he's always cautious but even more so with you

❤️always wanting to hold your hand

❤️never discussing or having sex because he's shy

❤️he remembers all the little details about you and probably has them written down

❤️him being too shy for PDA

❤️the gang having to warm up to you because Johnny is like everyone's baby brother

❤️but when they realize that you're just as shy as him they take you in and they care for you the same way they care for him

❤️hanging out with Johnny and Ponyboy and being afraid that Pony doesn't like you because Steve doesn't like him, because Pony's always hanging around with him and Soda.

❤️Pony actually does like you and he's not anything like Steve so you don't have to worry.

❤️literally being all over each other all the time

❤️y'all just can't stay apart

❤️it kills y'all inside

❤️Johnny always wants to know where you are when you're not with him

❤️he'll walk into the Curtis' house like "hey guys is y/n here?"

❤️"hey guys have you seen y/n?"

❤️"hey guys where's y/n?"

❤️he always brags about you to the gang even though they all know how great you are

❤️"man y/n has the prettiest eyes I've ever seen"

❤️"man y/n is so cute"

❤️"y/n is just the best"

❤️smiles every time he sees you no matter what

❤️he can't help it

❤️he thinks you're so cute his precious little heart just can't take it

❤️you could have just woken up and have really bad hair and miss matched socks and a shirt that doesn't match your pants and he'd still be like "aww you're so cute"

❤️you get him interested in music and he always wants to slow dance with you

❤️buying him hoodies and jackets because his jean jacket is prob the only one he has and you didn't feel comfortable borrowing it from him

❤️your parents loving him and offering to let him stay at your house so he never has to sneak in because they trust him

❤️teaching him how to cook and cooking dinner together

❤️him often eating dinner with your family

❤️he wants to take you to movies with him and Pony but you feel as if you're intruding so you sometimes tell him you're not feeling well and to go ahead without you

❤️watching stars in the lot then going back to your house to watch movies and prob fall asleep

❤️being completely obsessed with each other

❤️really loving each other

❤️the gang thinks y'all are so cute

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