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Decided I'm gonna start putting some memes at the top. They'll be any memes, not just character related too. Enjoy!

Ms. Dyer lets us write things all period long, she usually never actually assigns tasks or homework. It's why she's my favorite teacher. We were about half-way through the period, and someone walked in wearing a black leather jacket, old black ripped jeans, and old black converse. I'm not going to lie, I had no idea he was even in this class.

"Mr. Wolfhard, mind telling me why you're late to my class?" Ms. Dyer said strictly, yet calmly. "Kiss my ass, Natalia," he said walking to his seat directly in the back of the classroom. I turned to him and scoffed, as he raised his eyebrow at me and stared coldly at me in response. To be honest, he actually scares me with what he can do, so I just turned back around in my seat, not wanting trouble.

"Mr. Wolfhard, must I suspend you from your pep rally and football game today for being so disrespectful?" Natalia stood up from her seat, grabbing her metal ruler and walking right up to Finn's seat. He had his feet crossed, sitting on top of his desk. Ms. Dyer whacked his shin with the ruler, making him move his feet and sit up straight immediately in his seat. He shook his head, and she nodded once, going over to her desk.

I quietly giggled, instant karma. I looked back at him again to see him already glaring at me, his head lowered slightly, which shut me up immediately, as I turned back in my seat for the last time that day. I was walking out of the classroom, Finn pushed past me. That's it. "Hey Wolfhard, watch it!" I yelled from behind him.

He stopped in his tracks, making my heartbeat intensify. Well, I brought this on myself. He turned around, with a devious smirk on his stupid face. "What did you just say, kid?" He walked towards me, as I took one step back. "I said to watch it. I've done nothing to you, so don't be an ass." I took a shaky breath. "I'm going to tell you this once, kid, and that will be the last time, got me? Do not think that you can talk to me that way, you have no idea what I can do to you, ok? Good." He walked away, I'm guessing to his next class, which is what I should do. But I'm not in the mood for math right now, I'm going to check in with Mr. Wolfhard's whereabouts for the time being.

I slowly and quietly followed Finn to wherever he was going next. Some feeling in me knew he wasn't going to his next class, and I was right. I followed him for the next 2 minutes to finally see him go up to his friends, Caleb, Noah, and Gaten. They were holding someone, in a Hawkins hoodie, light brown hair in a quiff.

I saw Finn push up his sleeves and grab this guy by the collar and shove him up against the locker, saying things to this kid. I knew they were bad things because the guy's face had the most scared expression on it. I saw Finn raise his arm back in the air, about to take a swing. That's it, Finn is not going to get away with this.

I ran over and grabbed Finn's hand out of the air, and pulled the guy away from his clutches. "What the hell do you think you're doing, kid?! That's my fight! What the hell?!" Finn yelled at me, making me really scared, but I couldn't show that he frightened me.

"Wolfhard, I don't know what in the hell you think you're doing, but this guy doesn't deserve getting beat up by you. Hell, no one does. What were you thinking, beating up someone in the back of school?! I can so have you on the bench for the rest of the season. Oh just wait and see what I'm going to do to you..." I trailed off.

"Oh, you poor child. You think you're going to get away with this, don't you? See, here's what's going to happen. You aren't going to tell anyone what you just saw, and I won't have you killed for ruining my fight. And I thought I told you to stay away from me? This is your one and only free pass because I have to play in that game. But watch yourself, kid. We won't be having this conversation again." He said, he and his gang shoving past me to finally go to their next class.

I turned to the boy next to me that I saved, and he gave me a tight hug and thanked me for helping him. I questioned him, "So, why were you about to get your face beat in by Finn Wolfhard?" He just laughed. "Well, I could tell you now, but we'll be late to our next class, so why don't I give you my number and we can talk about it tonight? My name's Jacob by the way!" He said sweetly, which made me smile. I needed a sweet person in my life. I nodded and we exchanged numbers before running off to our next classes, waving.

I walked in a few seconds after the bell rang, out of breath. Mr. Heaton, my math teacher, looked at me with raised eyebrows, waving me on to sit down. I was so thankful I didn't get a tardy. I ran to my seat and pulled it my textbook, journal, and calculator, ready to get this class over with. Luckily I had this class with Sadie, and she sat next to me.

"Girl, what the hell happened, why were you late?" She whispered to me with genuine concern. "Ugh, blame Finn Wolfhard. I just saved his next victim's pretty face." I said turning back around, signaling we'll talk about this later. I tried to pay attention to what Mr. Heaton has to say, but I couldn't stop thinking about how scared I was of Finn. Not even Sadie knows I get panic attacks and/or anxiety attacks, and I really hope he doesn't trigger one, it'd be embarrassing and bad for me.

I tried zoning out for the rest of the period, and the next few hours, until our pep rally...

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