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• Well, I guess this is the new normal? I'm not going to lie, it's the best normal I've ever had. •

• Finn's POV •
Everyone looked so surprised to first, see Finn Wolfhard smile, and second, seeing bad guy Finn Wolhard hugging the sweet good girl Millie Bobby Brown. I found out from Instagram that she goes by that, so I'm proud of myself. I couldn't care less, though. She's everything I've ever wanted, needed. The one person, besides my brother, to make me smile and have hope.

I gave everyone cold glare, telling them to look away because it was none of their business. So they turned back around and Mr Keery started the class. I sighed, not wanting to pay attention, and turned to Millie. She seemed really interested in the class, so I hoped she didn't mind if I just studied all of her features for a little while.

After only a minute or so, she furrowed her eyebrows and turned to me, seeing as though I was staring at her. "Finn, what are you doing?" She asked with a confused head tilt. God, she's so cute.

"Trying to take in how beautiful you are," I said with a wink. I've been getting more and more confident, even though I know all we'll ever be is friends. I know she's good friends with that Sartorius guy that I almost fought, which she stopped me from. So they're probably interested in each other.

And Romeo Beckham, the guy she introduces, who's on the football team, he always talks about her. It's like he's in love with her or something. And he's better looking than I am, so she'll probably end up with one of those two.

But it's fine, I guess. I mean, it's really not fine, I like her a lot, more than anyone ever could, and she means more to me than she means to even Sadie, but she'll probably never know that. So as long as I'm friends with her, my happiness will still cause me to smile as I get up every morning.

"Finn, I'm not beautiful, I don't know why you're saying that," she said, her smile dropping. She's broken, just like me. But she is beautiful. She's always been, and always will be.

"Millie, you are beautiful. I don't know why you're saying you aren't, but I know for a fact that you are. First, you look the best out of all the cheerleaders in your cute little uniform, but there's so much more. Your voice could soothe anyone to sleep or calm anyone down. Your caramel eyes glisten when you talk about something you love. And your confidence makes every eye look upon you, and everyone is drawn to you. I could go on and on, but I need to pass this class. So yes, Mills, you are beautiful, don't you ever forget it," I told her with a content smile. She needed to know, I couldn't let her go on thinking she isn't.

Tears formed in her eyes as she brought me into another embrace, this one tighter, needier. She was sad, and I knew it. But all she really needed in that moment, was me. And I was so thankful to be there for her, and to be the one she wanted.

When we pulled away, we turned towards the front, and payed attention to Mr Keery's lesson, teaching us about the Nazis, which was really boring, except for whenever I would sneak a quick glance at Millie. The spell she has on me is so intoxicating.

When the bell finally rang, I smiled, and put my stuff in my backpack, ready to walk to my next class. I turned to Millie, seeing she was ready as well. "What class are you going to next?" I asked, getting closer to her. She smiled shyly, blushing a bit as I got closer to her.

"I have child development with Mr Hopper, he's not the right person to be teaching that class. He makes it so awkward! Maddie's also in that class, which is one more person I have to deal with" She said, laughing.

"Oh God, Mr Hopper teaches that class? Well 4th period must be the best part of the day," I said, holding my stomach from laughing so hard. I can't even imagine Millie's reaction to him teaching that. That must be so funny.

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