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We joined in a quick hug, almost like a pat on the back, before Jack broke it up. "Hey, sissies, don't mean to break up the bromance, but let's go! Grab Harley's ball too so he doesn't go for the football." We shrugged and laughed, finally heading out to the park.

| Millie's POV |

I went home and let out a breath I felt like I'd been holding since Finn called me. It was shaky, and I held back tears. I needed to stop crying over something I no longer had control over, but I couldn't find myself able to. I lost everyone in two days.

I lost those that were there for me for reasons they thought were right. Them. I lost the one who cared about what I thought was right and loved me for me. Finn. And it feels like I lost the one I thought I knew the best out of everyone. Myself.

I walked over to the fridge and opened it, realizing I hadn't eaten once today, but still couldn't bring myself to eat anything in it. I just grabbed a water and chugged it to keep dehydration at bay. Once I finished all of it, I tossed it into the recycling bin and walked upstairs.

I started for my room, but my body brought me to the room Finn stayed in for not even a night. I saw nothing put out of place. It didn't smell like him, there was nothing that showed he was here. If someone came to stay here, they wouldn't have thought anyone stayed here in years.

I sighed walking out of the room and back into mine. Then I smelled it. The faint scent of Finn's cologne I bought him after he lived with me for one week. I saw the picture of me on his back, him turning his head around with a bright smile to see me laughing. I blinked back tears and smiled at the perfect memory.

I softly laid the picture on its face so I don't have to see his smile that I so greatly crushed. I picked up the sweatpants he had laying on the floor. He was so lazy, he never picked them up.

"Finn! Pick up your pants, I don't want to clean them up!" I laughed at him running out of the room, avoiding cleaning them up.

"Hey! Get back here!" I said, running after him. I saw him run down the stairs and I followed. I got to the bottom and he was nowhere in sight.

"Finn? Hello? Where'd you go?" I asked with a laugh at the end. All of a sudden with no warning, I was picked up into the air by two strong pairs of arms. I screamed at the sudden contact, but heard laughing when I was pulled into Finn's chest.

I turned around and whacked him on the shoulder, hearing him laugh at my fear. "You're so childish," I said with a pout.

"Don't be mad at meeeee, I love youuuu," he said, dragging out the me and you.

"I love you too, asshole."

I smiled and laughed at the memory and sat at my vanity/desk and pulled out some homework. I glanced at my shades and noticed there wasn't enough light in my room. So I opened them, and the view was definitely not better than keeping the shades closed.

It was Sadie, her eyes puffy red, staring back at me. I saw everyone in her room, sitting on her bed and talking, but she was just sitting there, away from everyone else. Why? I thought she always knew what was best? So why would she be sitting here, crying, because of "her correct decision."

She widened her eyes, seeing me staring back at her, and went to open her window. I really wasn't in the mood to talk right now, but she seemed to be in more pain than me at the moment, and opened her window really quickly. I decided to be a better friend than her and open my window. "What do you want, Sadie Snake?" I asked impatiently.

"Millie, I'm so sorry. Did you get the call? I never meant for something like this to happen. He gave them my number as a back-up if you never answered the call. I just thought it would be best for you, I didn't want this to happen!" She started rambling, as if I knew what the hell she was talking about.

"Snake, what in the world are you talking about?!" I yelled, throwing my hands in the air. I saw everyone look at me out of sympathy. I gave them all dirty looks like this wasn't any of their business.

"It's... Finn," she started, and I already heard my ears start ringing and I started to fade in and out of focus. All I could hear was, "He was... park.... car... hit and run.... We don't know his condition.... coma." A tear slipped out of my eye that I've been trying to hold in for too long.

"Why didn't you go see him," I asked less as a question and more of a scowl.

"We did go see him, Mills, but he's in a coma. His friends were there with this dog, and they were completely fine. We don't know what happened exactly, except for the fact that he got hit by a car. His friends refused to talk to us and the dog kept growling at us and tried to bite me a few times," she tried reasoning with me.

"Serves you right. I heard dogs can sense danger whenever it's near. Nobody likes snakes," was the last thing I said before rushing down the stairs into my car. I rushed for the 2nd time today. This time, to the hospital.

I ran in and immediately to the front desk. "What room is Finn Wolfhard in?" I said quickly, out of breath.

"Are you family?" She asked kindly. I didn't think about my answer before responding.

"I'm his girlfriend and I need to see him, please!" said in a pleading tone. She finally nodded and looked down to her sheet.

"He's in room 11, hun," she responded. I thanked her and then ran to room 11.

When I walked in, I felt like I was part of a horror scene, at least for me.

OHHHH SHIT IT'S KINDA A CLIFFHANGER, HUH? KINDA WACKY! Ok whatever ilygsm and hope you enjoyed the chapter! Don't worry, things get better soon... I think. I don't really know I'm doing whatever I want in the moment and Idk where this is going lmao <3

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