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I just needed someone to help me forget.

•Finn's POV•
I woke up the next morning, realizing I was going to be late to school. I sat up quickly, only to feel sharp pains shooting into my ribs. That bitch broke my ribs.

I sat up slower this time, able to get out of bed. I called for my father and got no answer. Thank God he's not home. I limped to my closet and picked out black, ripped jeans, a plain white t-shirt (HEY THERE DELILAH WHAT'S IT LIKE IN NYC) and my black leather jacket.

I walked down the stairs, not even bothering to look in the fridge, there wouldn't be food anyway. I grabbed my worn down backpack that I got 6 years ago, the last time my dad got me one. I carefully inserted my arms under the straps, and walked outside to my worn-down car. Everything in my life is worn-down, including myself.

When I started the piece of junk, the clock in it said it was 8:30. I won't be that late to class, I can still make first hour easily, since school starts at 8:25 anyway. I put the car in drive, and sped off to school.

I can't even explain how painful it was to sit down. Laying down and standing are fine, but sitting? Oh lord, how am I going to make it through school? Maybe I'll just stand? I'll come up with something, or I'll just suck it up.

I walked into school, 10 minutes late to first hour. I didn't even care, Ms. Dyer is pretty chill. Except for when I'm an asshole... which is like every day. I hope I don't get kicked out.

I walked into the class to see everyone doing their own thing. Then my eyes landed on Millie, and chills ran up my spine. Sadly, I'm brought out of my daydream, "Mr. Wolfhard, would you like to explain why you're late this ti- oh my God! Are you ok, Finn?" Ms. Dyer acted like I was dying. What is she talking about.

"What are you even talking about?" I asked with confusion. I see someone stand from their seat and come towards me. I face them and see Millie, horrified of the sight she sees in front of her. "Millie, what's wrong?" I asked, looking into her eyes.

"Ms. Dyer, can I take Finn to the nurse? Please?!" She asked almost frantically. I'm seriously so confused. I didn't look in the mirror this morning, since I was running late, so that might be a problem. Ms. Dyer nodded immediately, and Millie grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the classroom.

I should be worried for what they're worried about, but instead I'm at a loss for words because of the contact of Millie and I holding hands. "Finn, you've got to tell me something, and don't play dumb. It's me, and you already told me what happens when you go home. So you can trust me," she said, pulling me into the gender neutral bathroom and sitting me on the toilet. I made sure not to yelp in pain, and not let her know my ribs were broken. She was already dealing with whatever is going on with me. Luckily, the toilet had the lid down so my jeans weren't touching ass cheeks.

"Of course Millie, I'll tell you what happened. I... I trust you." I got off the toilet seat and went to the mirror. Oh shit, that's pretty bad. I had bruises all over my face, pink, purple, and a mixture of blue. They were swollen, and there were three large ones. One on my cheekbone, one on my jaw/chin, and one on the right side of my forehead. I had one black eye, and my nose looked broken; there was dry blood that was coming out of my left nostril.

"Well shit," I said surprised at the reflection staring back at me. "Finn, tell me what happened," she said, choking up on tears she was trying to hold back.

"I went home after your house and my dad found out I hadn't come back home Saturday night. He also saw me trying to escape through my window. It didn't end well, as you can see," I said, pointing to my face.

"D-did he hit you a-anywhere else?" She asked bitterly, angry that someone could do this to their own child. I looked down, not wanting to lift my shirt. "No," I said shyly. "Okay. Do you want to go back to class or can I take you to the nurse?" She asked quietly, running a tissue under water, and wiping the blood off from underneath my nose.

"Can we just go back to class, please? I didn't want this much attention to start with. I don't want the nurses questioning me," I said, looking down at my feet again. She lifted my chin lightly with her finger, as to not hurt me. I smiled at her gentleness. "Hey," she said softly, "I told you not to hide from me because I'd miss you too much. You don't get a free pass," she said with a giggle. It made my smile increase and my cheeks to redden a bit.

We started to walk out of the bathroom and back to class, when I spotted her from down the hall. It's Iris Apatow, the girl that's introduced me since I got on the football team. She's been trying to get in my pants for a while now. And before, I flirted with her just for fun, like I do every other girl. But I'm not interested in anyone but Millie now.

SHIT. I made eye contact with her and now she's walking towards us. Millie saw the worried look in my eyes, and looked around. When her eyes met Iris's, the same worried look appeared in her eyes.

•Millie's POV•
Iris finally made it over to us, making sure to sway her hips in the process. "Oh, hello Millie, trying to steal another one of my boyfriends away from me? It won't happen this time, sweetheart. You might as well keep moving," she said with a smile to fake and wide, it creeped me out.

She's still so angry about that. We were playing spin the bottle in 8th grade, and Iris was my best friend. She was dating this guy named Wyatt, but when I spun the bottle it landed on him. We kissed and she was mad that I didn't re-spin. He ended up breaking up with her and asking me to our winter formal. That's when we stopped being friends, and decidedly became enemies.

"Iris? You're dating Finn? I didn't even know, I wasn't trying to steal him. I-I'm just friends w-with him," I said, stuttering, taken aback by Iris. Finn looked angry and confused, eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"Iris, you are not my girlfriend. I don't know what the hell you're talking about, all I know is you've been trying to get in my pants for like 2 years. 'It won't happen his time, sweetheart. You might as well keep moving.'" He said, mocking Iris. The fury in her eyes made me giggle. Her head whipped towards me and my giggling ceased to a halt. She rolled her eyes, and walked away, continuing to sway her hips.

"Wow Finn, you really told her," I said, giggling. He smiled at me. That damn smile. "What are you smiling at?" I asked, cocking my head at him in curiosity. His cheeks reddened again.

"You," he said, looking into my eyes. Damn, he's really straight forward, I like it. I shook my head in confusion, looking at him to explain. "You, Millie. I'm smiling at you. You take shit from everybody, but still come out laughing, still soft and gentle. It's part of what adds to your beauty," he said, getting closer to me. My heart skipped 8 beats at once. The butterflies in my stomach where flying everywhere, trying to escape.

The bell rang, and pulled us out of our intimate moment. I cursed whoever decided the bells should ring after an hour. He smirked, seeing my blushed cheeks. "I'll see you later, Mills." He walked away, and I had to recover for a minute after hearing him call me Mills.

I started walking toward the gym. Since it was Monday, my math class was always replaced with cheerleading practice, the only reason I looked forward to school after the weekend.

GOOOOOOOD MORNING OR AFTERNOON OR EVENING! Hope you guys liked this chapter! I explained the feud between Millie and Iris, ik some ppl were wondering why Iris was such a bitch to Millie. Anywayssss, do u guys like this book? Ik the writing sucks, it's kinda my first serious book, one I really suck with and worked my heart out on. It's kinda my baby, so don't hurt it's feelings! Anyways, love u guys, new chapter soooooon!

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