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•Finn's POV•
I woke up on the right side of the bed for the first time in a very long time. My back didn't hurt from an old, worn out mattress I was used to sleeping on. I felt... happy. It was an unusual feeling to me, but I have to get used to it if I'm going to be living with Millie for a little while until I have to go back home.

I walked out of the room with bed head, rubbing my eyes, before smelling bacon. I grinned widely before running down the stairs like a little kid on Christmas morning. I jumped off the last step and stopped to smell the breakfast Millie was making. I closed my eyes, fully taking in the wonderful scent, before I heard a slight laugh. Oh how I love that laugh.

"How did you sleep? Judging by your hair, pretty well?" Millie asked, her British accent thick. I let out a chuckle to which she almost freaked out. I gave her a questioning look. "YOU LAUGHED! I got you to laugh!" She said proudly, then proceeding to dance around the kitchen, which amused me. I laughed again. God, what is this gorgeous girl doing to me?

She danced up to me, and then grabbed my hand, pulling me in to dance with her. There wasn't even a song playing, we just danced to absolutely nothing. If you ask me, I think we killed it.

We were brought out of our dancing session by a loud knock on the door. Millie gave me an apologetic glance, before I nodded. She jogged over to the door, and Sadie came in, ranting about some cute guy at school named Caleb. WAIT HOLY SHIT MY BEST FRIEND?! Oh God, get that image out of my head!

She stopped immediately when she saw me, standing next to the island counter, awkwardly. "Oh, um, hi Wolfhard. Why are you here?" She asked, confused, trying to sound bitter. Millie let out a small giggle from behind her, before walking towards me.

"Sades, it's ok. We don't need to have our walls up with Finn or his friends. They're now our friends," she said, angling her head up towards me with a smile. "Hey, Finn, we should have your group sit with us at lunch tomorrow!" Millie said, her eyes lighting up.

I knew the guys would be against it at first, so I needed to convince them. And I didn't know for sure if they would say yes, so I shouldn't get Millie's hopes up. But what came out of my mouth was, "Ya, of course! I'll talk to them about it." Shit.

Her smile made it all worth it, she was so happy, and when she's happy, it's contagious. I can't help but smile as well. Sadie caught my eye, and raised an eyebrow. It's like she doesn't really trust me, but she's also shocked because she hasn't seen me smile before. "Hey, Wolfhard, can I talk to you? Privately?" She asks coldly.

"Ya, of course, Sadie." I look to my left to see Millie with her eyebrows knitted together with a concerned look on her face. "It'll be fine, Millie," I say with a reassuring grin, to which she returns it.

I walk out of the kitchen, down the hallway, into a room I haven't seen yet. Is this... a movie room? Wow, it's really cool. I'm brought out of my thoughts by a huffing Sadie. "Look, Finn. I don't know what you think you're going to get out of this thing you have with Millie, but she's broken. She's hurt, and I can't seem to get to the level I need to, for her to open up to me. And you'll never get there. And you just can't hurt her, I won't let you. So I need you to exit her life, immediately." Her tone was laced with concern for her best friend, which I understand.

"Sadie, me and Millie are just very good friends. She has an interest in Jacob, anyway. Besides, I'm not going to hurt her, she already opened up to me about everything," I said with a devilish smirk. What? I couldn't help it! I'm just playing with her!

"SHE WHAT?!" Sadie let out her anger by stomping on the floor a couple of times. I can tell she's tried to get Millie to open up many times, so she's just angry that I got her to already. "Stay. The hell. Away. From. My. Best. Friend. Got it, sweet cheeks?" She asked with a fakes smile, followed by a cold glare.

"I can't make any promises, Chief. Besides, I know now that you have a crush on my best friend, Caleb, is hat correct?" I ask, starting to get impatient. I just can't stand to lose Millie. She's my everything right now. I needed to keep Sadie from kicking me out of Millie's life.

She gasped, not knowing how I got her secret. "Where did you get that information?" She asked, calmed down and flustered, more embarrassed than anything.

"I heard it when you walked through the door, minutes ago. Now, you probably want a chance with him. And me in Millie's life will probably get you there, don't you think? Then maybe you'll see that I'm not such a terrible person, and that we all have a sad story underneath it all," I said with a sense of sadness underneath my frustration.

I don't know why, but I think I was genuinely sad and upset at the fact that Sadie thought I could hurt someone like Millie. I need to go back to not showing emotion. It's starting to hurt. This is what I warned myself about. I didn't know I would let my walls down this quickly, and I'm starting to hurt again. Maybe Millie was another mistake. Not her exactly, but who comes along with her.

I look back up at Sadie, and her expression softens a little when she sees the tears welling up in my eyes. But I couldn't handle it anymore. It was a mistake coming here anyway. I had to know my happiness wouldn't last forever. I just didn't know it would leave so soon.

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