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•Finn's POV•
I knocked on the door, and she answered. "Finn? What are you doing here? It's raining out," she said with a concerned expression.

"I-I'm sorry I j-just, I-I..." I couldn't think of a lie, even though I can always come up with one on the spot. What is going on with me? Why is it only around her?

"Finn, come inside, ok? We'll talk in here," she said, before grabbing my hand and leading me inside. I flinched at her grabbing my hand, and she turned back and looked at me funny. "Sorry," I mumbled quickly, before following her inside.

She sat me down on a barstool in her kitchen. "Aren't your parents home? I probably shouldn't be here," I said, looking up to her. I could see the pain in her eyes.

"No, my parents aren't home. Trust me, we'll be fine," she said with a sad, weak smile. What's going on with that? Where are her parents? "Now tell me, why're you here? And oh my god, Finn, where did this black eye come from?!" She asked me while wiping the water off of my face. She was really close to me, it made my breathing intensify.

"It's... nothing," I mumbled, before looking away. "It's definitely something, Finn, but I'm not going to pressure you to tell me. Now tell me why you're here please, so I know what to get you." She said calmly and sweetly. God she's like an angel sent from heaven.

"I just... do you have any food? I don't know, we haven't gone grocery shopping and there's no food," I tried making up a lie. Wow, good one Finn. She's totally going to believe you.

"What? Why didn't you just go to Caleb's or Noah's or something?" She asked with a laugh. "No. They uh, they can't have people after dark. Please Millie, don't ask questions right now. Can you please help me and we'll talk tomorrow?" I asked, once again putting my head drown, trying to completely avoid eye contact. It's embarrassing, really.

"Of course, Finn. We have a variety of choices really," she said with a slight giggle. It made me smile- oh my God, she made me smile!? Why? There's something about her, I just... I don't know, I didn't want to smile, I didn't think I could again.

"Oh my God, is the Finn Wolfhard smiling? Because of something I said? Three surprises from you in one day!" She said with a wink and a smile. I tried not to smile, but I couldn't. What is she doing? She's making me feel like I can't recognize myself anymore.

I followed her over to the fridge and she opened it. "I'll have anything you offer, Millie," I said shyly. It's so embarrassing to have to ask someone for food because my stupid father won't let me eat unless I can pay for it.

"Finn look at me," she said, lifting my chin to look at her. God she's so beautiful- holy shit Finn, shut up. You know you can't say that. I looked her in the eyes, "You don't need to be ashamed to ask me for something to eat. Are you sure you don't want to talk to me? Tell me how you got this black eye, and why you need to come to someone you hate to get something to eat?" She asked with a kind tone.

How can I not talk to someone like her? She's so caring, it's like she really understands, even though I know she's never felt this empty inside. "Ok Millie, I'll talk. But you have to promise me something first," I started, she nodded, so I continued.

•Millie's POV•
"But you have to promise me something first," he started to say, to which I quickly nodded. Wait, this is starting to sound a lot like the conversation Jacob and I had. "Please promise me first, that you won't tell anyone about this; and second, please don't judge me for it, or feel pity. I've had enough of that in my life." I nodded, getting a little closer to him.

"Of course, Finn, we all have our problems. Tell you what, you tell me one of your big life stories and I'll tell you mine," I told him, getting out some of the extra fruit I had cut up earlier and the ingredients to make another chicken wrap, since I had extra.

"Okay, I'll start. My mom... she left. She left when I was 10 months old. My dad said she ran away with a bunch of druggies. And uh, well, he told me it was my fault ever since I could start understanding what that meant. But I was protected, by my older brother, Nick. I was so thankful for Nick, he was my everything. But my world was turned completely upside down when we found out he had pancreatic cancer," he told me, shaking, trying not to cry.

I walked away from the counter and embraced him in a hug, and rested my hand on his so he could continue. "We has found out he had stage 4 pancreatic cancer. And at that point, there's no coming back. He fought his heart out until the day he just couldn't do it anymore. I went in to the hospital after they told us it was really bad. My dad eventually left, but I stayed. Nick and I, we shared things with each other that day, things we never would have told each other. That's when I knew, he wasn't going to be here anymore and he knew it. He laughed harder than I've ever seen him laugh, and I did too." He stopped to take a deep breath, but tears were rolling down his cheeks uncontrollably, this was traumatic for him, and I just wanted him to be ok.

"I remember the last conversation we had. He knew he was leaving, so he made that conversation count. He said 'Finn, I can't put into words how much you mean to me. You were the light of my life for the last 16 years, and I'm sorry I have to put you through this. There's going to be another ray of sunshine, and they'll show up soon. You'll be very sad, but never lose hope. Because I'll be sending someone down here for you while I'm up there, don't you worry....'

Nick had paused for a minute until his eyes widened and he sadly smiled, 'well, it's time for us to part ways, little bro. I give all of my love to you and only you.' I just remember the life leaving his eyes, and he just stopped. The monitor flat-lined. And I just remember screaming. I knew he was leaving and I knew it was going to be ok for him, but I lost my whole world. I had to say goodbye to my happiness. And I knew that he would send someone to bring me happiness again. And Millie, I tried pushing you away because you made me smile. But then I remembered Nick. And now I know, he sent you to me. I think you're my happiness, Millie." He looked up at me with something I haven't seen in his eyes yet, relief.

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