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"Shut up, snake," I said with an eye roll, before putting everything in my backpack and running out of school, answering the call on the way.


| Millie's POV |

"Millie, can you please come down to the vet's office?" He sounded rushed, and I couldn't help but notice.

"Finn, I'm so sorry-" I began, but was cut off by Finn's continuously rushed voice.

"Millie, please. I forgive you, but I need a favor. I'm sorry for having to ask you," he said, trying to avoid a lot of conversation. I took the hint and told him I'd be right there, before getting in my car and driving to the vet's office.

I rushed in and saw him holding a puppy. My jaw dropped and turned into a smile, and then I saw some kids that looked about our age, and smiled at them as well. "So, this is the infamous Millie we've heard about. Hi, I'm Jack Grazer, single," Jack said with a wink.

"Shut up, Grazer," Finn huffed out a laugh and rolled his eyes. I giggled and shook his hand. He swiftly brought it close to him and planted a kiss on it. "Hey, I mean it, tough guy," Finn added. I smiled at Finn being protective even though we aren't together.

"Alright alright, whatever you say," he said, moving his arms back as if to surrender, but turning back to wink at me. He's charming, so I laughed. Finn turned around to look at us, but just pursed his lips together and turned back to the doctor. His expression hasn't changed since the last I saw him, he still isn't showing emotion. And if I'm being honest, it scares me. I just want to know what he's thinking and it hurts to not know.

"Hi, I'm Wyatt Oleff, the nice one, not the weirdo like Jack over there," he said, which made me laugh.

"Hey!" I heard Jack yell at Wyatt, and I laughed harder. These guys were funny, and I could see why Finn liked them. They were just like him. Then I began to feel bad about Finn's friends stabbing him in the back for my friends.

I ended up pushing the thought to the back of my head before walking up to the puppy Finn was holding. "Hi, baby, what's your name?" I asked to the puppy, even though it couldn't understand.

"He doesn't have a name yet, and he might not even be mine if I end up going to jail since I don't have the money to pay for his checkup," Finn said to me. I realized what he was saying after a few seconds.

"Finn, of course I'll pay, but I need you to know that I'm sorry and there's no way to show you that I'm sorry-" I said, but was once again cut off by Finn.

"Look, Millie, there's a way you can make it up to me. If you just pay for this vet visit. Please. And then I'll forgive you and give you anything," he said, slightly annoyed that he was still in the vet's building.

"Ok, I will," I said. I know he was treating me in a way he shouldn't be, and I shouldn't have to take it. But I understand that he's mad, and doesn't want to go to jail, so I just complied and went to pay. "What happened to the little guy anyway, and when did you even get a puppy?" I asked the guys when we finally left the building, thanking Dr Hawke.

"I just found him curled up near a building and he was crying, and I just decided I couldn't leave him there. And now he's attached and I can't let him go because he comes back. I guess he's my dog now," Finn answered. At least he was talking to me more. Even if he didn't want to show emotion, I know him too well now, and he can't escape it.

"Well, do you guys need anything where you're living now?" I asked, offering to help.

"No-" Finn said but Jack and Wyatt overlapped with "Sure." I turned to Finn to see him purse his lips again and look down. "We could use help buying the stuff for the puppy. And I guess we could use stuff to sleep on. It's time to face facts, Finn. We have no money, and nothing to eat and sleep on. I know you don't want to ask for things from your ex girlfriend, but I will. Wyatt at I have been living out here a lot longer than you have, buddy," Jack said.

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