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We walked in the house, tossing our things into the living room, saying things such as "we'll clean it up tomorrow." Millie and I walked into our room, changing into our pajamas in different parts of the room so we can't see each other. Once we were changed, we got in bed and cuddled until we fell asleep. I was so tired that it didn't take long to doze off. The last thing I remember is hearing, "I'm so in love with you, Curls," before I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face.

| Millie's POV |

I woke up with a strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist, with curls against my neck. I smiled and let out a happy sigh, before turning to face the boy sleeping soundly, next to me. Right as I turned to face him, though, he began to shift around and wake up:

"Hey, Cutie," he said with a smile in his raspy morning voice. I smiled, remembering the nicknames we gave each other.

"Morning, Curls," I responded with the nickname I gave, earning a chuckle in response. "Ready to leave?" I asked poking my lip out in a pout.

"I don't want to go back to school, but I get to spend every day and night with you, so it's still amazing," he responded. I planted a kiss on his nose quickly.

"That was a good answer," I replied, sounding like a teacher before putting my face in the crook of his neck, trying to escape packing up and going home.

Finn wrapped his arms around my waist and cuddled me for a few minutes before saying, "baby, we have to goooo." I outwardly sighed, before getting up. He got up with me and we helped each other pack. "Toothbrushes!" Finn yelled before throwing them into the bag for me to rearrange. I ended up packing up my clothes as Finn packed up our bathroom and going to clean up the living room so nobody else had to. That boy is going to be the death of me.

I ended up finishing packing my things, so I quickly packed Finn's, since he's being generous. When he came back in and saw I had packed up everything, he came over to kiss me but I stopped him, "Go shower and brush your teeth, morning breath." He crossed his arms and pouted. "Jesus, Finn, you're like 6'0 and older than me. Go shower and brush your teeth and I promise I'll kiss you as soon as you do."

He smiled and ran to the bathroom, and I heard the water turn on immediately. I laughed to myself, making our bed and adding final touches to the room to make it as beautiful as when we got here, but everyone came into the room and sat on the bed. "What's up, guys? I can come out into the living room and we can talk?" I asked quickly to them.

"Mills, Jacob's here. He said you two talked and you told him he could stop by? He says there's something important?" Grace says, almost like she's breaking bad news or something. Oh, I never told them he's gay, and he doesn't want me to. I decided to make light of it, hopefully they wouldn't make a huge deal out of it.

"Oh, ya that's fine. Jacob and I are pretty good friends. I told him he could stop by, since he's coming home from a trip to Chicago. I'll just go out there," I answered truthfully, though I could tell all of them, including the boys, weren't trusting of Jacob. It's sad that they can't trust anyone just because they have a certain reputation. Just because Jacob's on the football team, they think he's here to steal me away from Finn.

I go out and meet Jacob outside and greet him with a hug and kiss on the cheek. "So, Mills," he starts with a cheeky smile, "Anyone ask you to homecoming yet?"

I remember that Finn hasn't yet and it's next month. "No, I don't know if Finn is a homecoming guy. Doesn't seem like his kind of crowd. It could be, though, I'm not really sure," I answer truthfully.

"Well, if he hasn't asked you, do you want to go with me? As friends, of course. And if Finn asks you, you can go with him!" He said, not accepting no for an answer. I ultimately agreed, nothing bad can happen. Jacob is just a great friend, who isn't out to date me or something, like Romeo.

After our conversation, I embraced Jacob for a while, and he told jokes as we hugged, so I laughed into the hug. We kissed each other's cheeks, to which Finn came barging out of the house. "What the fuck is going on?" His curls were wet and accentuated, and he was wearing grey sweatpants with a t-shirt.

"What do you mean, Finn? Am I all of a sudden not allowed to talk to a friend?" I ask with confusion and irritation laced in my tone. I didn't understand why we would freak out so much, Jacob and I have always been just friends.

Jacob cut in, "I'm just gonna go..." But Finn stopped him before he could get far.

"No no, Millie may have stopped me from beating your ass once, but you won't get away with trying to steal my girlfriend. You won't get away this time," Finn said, grabbing Jacob's collar and raising his fist to punch him. I screamed and everyone came running outside. I didn't know what to do, so my first instinct was to go in front of Jacob. Finn let go and put his fist down before he could hit me.

"What the hell, Millie-" Finn started but I cut him off.

"Ya Finn, exactly. What the hell! You can't just attack my friends like that! Jacob wasn't trying to steal me away, he's gay! Jacob, I'm sorry if you didn't want Finn to know that, but he can't continue to antagonize you!" I screamed mostly in Finn's face, keeping Jacob behind me for any circumstances he would have to face.

Finn's face softened, and he looked down when he realized how in the wrong he was. "Millie, I-" but I cut him off again.

"Go get your shit together, and go home with everyone else. I'll be riding home with Jacob. And I swear to God if you try to start anything else, you won't want to know what's coming for you. As far as any of us now know, we are over." I yelled as I walked towards the house to get my things after telling Jacob to wait in the car.

When I got closer to the house, the entire group was standing near the door. "Beat it," I growled before they scurried out of the way, letting me get into the house. Finn followed me to the bedroom and kept trying to apologize, but I finally responded. "Finn Wolfhard, you listen to me. You shut up now, or even worse will happen to you. Hear me?" I said calmly, which is always scarier.

"Yes, ma'am," he responded, before getting out of my way while I walked to Jacob's car with my things, completely ignoring everyone around me until I got to the car. Thank God I don't have to ride home with that asshat.

Sorry, my dudes. Short chapter, bad writing. Sad breakups because Finn is a jealous boy. New chapter soon, loves <3

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