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•"How do you think they'll react when I tell them there's only one bed per room and only 4 rooms?" Millie said with a devilish grin and a small giggle. My eyes widened before I spoke, "It's your funeral," I said, both of us burst out laughing at my words. Oh, Mills. I still love her no matter what.•

•Millie's POV•
Everyone walked into the lake house with smiles on their faces. "Wow, Mills, why didn't you ever bring us here?" Sadie asked, looking around.

"It's only ever been the four of us. I never found a reason to," I said with a shrug. I felt Finn's arm wrap around my waist slowly, and I smiled.

"It's really beautiful here, Millie. Thanks for having us," Noah said quietly. I smiled kindly and gave him a hug.

"Of course, Noah. I couldn't think of anyone better to bring!" Still hugging him tightly. I felt him tense up at first, but slowly ease into the hug. Then I heard a sigh of relief come from the small boy. My smile doubled in size.

"Ok, too much longer and you'll be stealing my boyfriend," Grace said with a small giggle. We all jumped and looked shockingly at the both of them.

"MY SHIP!!" I screamed running to both of them and joining them in a group hug, to which everyone else joined and we all started screeching.

When everything settled down, I decided to tell them about rooms. "Ok guys, so something you should know about the lake house. There are only 4 rooms, one bed per room." They all looked at me weird.

"Ok, so I guess I'm rooming with Noah, so Sadie who are you rooming with?" Grace asked, putting her head on Noah's shoulder.

"I... guess, Caleb? B-But only i-if you want t-to," Sadie asked Caleb, her cheeks turning bright red. Caleb grinned like an idiot and nodded, before picking up both of their bags and waking to the room with her.

"Young love," I said, putting my hand on my chest. I sounded like my mother. Everyone left laughed with me.

"Alright then, you two know what that means," Finn pointed to Gaten and Maddie, winking. They rolled their eyes and turned to each other. Gaten smiled shyly and Maddie returned the smile, but with more confidence. Gaten went to grab her bag for her, but she grabbed it quickly.

"Oh Gatey boy, if there's one thing you need to know, I will always be carrying my bags," she said with a laugh, but still completely serious. He held his hands up in surrender before they laughed and went to a room. Noah and Grace followed close behind to a different room.

"Well, that went way better than expected," I said with a laugh.

"You had to know they wouldn't kill you. We knew Cadie would be a thing from the beginning, Grace and Noah were so coupley with each other, and we caught Gaten and Maddie at Scoops," Finn said, reasoning with me.

"Ya, I guess you're right. I'm glad they didn't kill me," I said with a laugh. He returned it, but continued gazing into my eyes.

"What's wrong, Finnie?" I asked quickly, concern filling my round eyes.

"Nothing- I... I want to take you somewhere tonight. Alone," he said, getting closer to me. I smiled and nodded, letting him place a soft and sweet kiss on my lips.

"FILLIE!" Everyone screamed, watching from their doorways to their rooms.

"STALKERS!" We yelled back. Everyone went back to their rooms, shutting their doors in the process. I turned back to Finn and laughed, him joining immediately.

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