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It was 10 minutes until the opening of the pep rally, and the cheerleaders were after the dance team, so the second act. All of us lined up to get excited for the pep rally, but Iris hadn't shown up yet. We had been there for a little while, 20 minutes to be exact. It was time to take initiative. I stepped up in front of them and created a group huddle.

"Alrighty guys. Iris hasn't shown and now it's time for me to take over. I don't know where she is, but I will be taking her place in the cheer. I know all of her moves, and so Lilia, would you please take my place holding up Sophia? I'll be flying today, and also holding the sign for our Lions. And also because Iris will now not be introducing Finn, I will be, which means Ayla, will you please introduce Romeo?" Ayla nodded, and I put my hand in, to which everyone followed the actions, now with a boost of confidence, and we yelled "lions" before I took Ayla into the bathroom and wrote a number 12 on her cheek, the other one had a number 6 on it, for her boyfriend, Jack Anderson.

I wiped the 12 off of my cheek and wrote 11 on it, which was Finn's number. Oh how I didn't want to ever have to do this, but desperate times.

Afterwards, I took our group to sit front row on the bleachers to see the dance team before we went out there. Sadie was the announcer, since she put this all together. When she announced Maddie Ziegler and the Lion Tamers, I stood up and cheered, along with the rest of the team.

Maddie did amazing, just like always, and her choreography was off the charts amazing. At the end, everyone gave Maddie and her team a standing ovation and I cheered the loudest, obviously. Then it was our turn. While some of the water boys helped lay out our mats for our performance, we had to introduce our guys. Finn was the last person to be introduced, so sadly I had to be with him for longer than I would have ever liked to be.

While we were waiting, Finn spoke up, great. "Kid, what the hell are you doing introducing me? Where's Iris?" He said in a rude tone. I'm getting so sick of him. "Well, Wolfhard, if you must know so badly, Iris never showed up, so I have to step up and lead my team." I said with less class and more sass than I would usually talk with. I hate Finn. He's making me so angry and distracting me from being the kind person I want to be.

"Well, I don't know if you can tumble as good as her, but at least try. I'm trying to stand out and be the best one on this team." My lord, he's so entitled I can't stand it. It's about time I put him in his place. I'll show him I'm a good tumbler. I'll show him the best tumbler he's ever seen.

"And last but not least, everybody's favorite, here to lead our Lions to victory with ease, Finn Wolfhard!!!" I heard Sadie announce, along with loud cheers. This was it. I ran out onto the field doing a cartwheel back handspring into a double back tuck followed by a full turn, fully sticking the landing.

The cheers were even louder than before and I made eye contact with Finn as he ran out onto the field, eyes wider than I've seen them. But when he noticed me looking at him with an eyebrow raised and a cold glare, he went back to his normal, emotionless face. I smirked at him before running back to my team. I won.

I yelled "5,6,7,8!" And we started the cheer/dance. When we were about half way through, I whispered to the girls about to throw me that I was going to half it. They threw me up higher than they were going to, and I did a half turn and then came back down. When they caught me, they tossed me back up and I landed standing straight up, and lifted my leg up next to my head. I grabbed the sign that had 'GO LIONS!' Written on it and held it up.

We immediately got cheers and a standing ovation from everyone in the stands, including our own football team. I once again yelled "5,6,7,8!" And the flyers were taken down, and everyone lined up single file and we walked over to the side lines, to watch and cheer on our football team in their game against the Tigers.

Of course, to no one's surprise, the Lions won. And everyone was cheering, so the cheer team went onto the field for one more time tonight and gave the winning cheer, "We are the Lions and we can't be beat! Because we've got the power to knock you off your feet! Go Lions!!! Wooooo!!" We ran off of the field and everyone reunited with their parents and family to take pictures and get flowers and whatnot.

I was reunited with my best girls, though. Grace, Maddie, Sadie and I ran up to each other and immediately went into a group hug. I went and grabbed the 2 bouquets of flowers I had for Maddie and Sadie for everything they did. Grace grabbed 3 she had for each of us, Maddie grabbed the 2 she brought Sadie and I, and Sadie grabbed 2 bouquets she had for Maddie and I. All four of us walked off of that field and off to a celebratory dinner we went.

We passed by Finn on our way out of the game, and I just gave him a smirk, and winked. He pursed his lips and shook his head with annoyance in his eyes. He knew that I wasn't going to go away, that I had no intention. And I was about to get so much bigger than I was...

Sorry y'all, kinda a shorter chapter. Imma try and make them longer, I just gotta decide which direction I'm going in the book. I have a strong idea, I just wanna make it kinda long cuz I prefer long books so bye guys! Get ready for next chapter, kinda funky and fresh😈

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