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Y'all "fix you" by Coldplay is playing and that song inspired a lot of this book and I just- 😭👏

•Finn's POV•
I had to know my happiness wouldn't last forever. I just didn't know it would leave so soon.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head before quickly walking out of the room, speed walking to the front door. I really couldn't speak to Millie right now. It would hurt even more. But of course, I'm stopped before I could reach the front door.

"Hey, Finn, where ya goin? I have a special breakfast I made for you," I turned around to see the beautiful girl in a baggy sweatshirt and spanx, her hair in a messy bun. She had a sweet smile on her face. At least she's happy, I can't ruin it. I didn't return the smile, and I went back to the face I'm so used to making.

Her smile dropped and it was replaced with a look of confusion and concern. "Hey, what's wrong? Is it something I did?" She asked, dropping the tongs and starting to walk over to me. Shit shit shit I need to get out of here before she breaks me. Again.

"I- uh, I'm sorry for waiting your time. I'll be going home now. Thank you for letting me stay here last night, and goodbye," I said in one breath before opening the door and slamming it behind me before she could get to me. I sighed. It wasn't of relief, though. It was more along the lines of a 'what am I supposed to do now?' Kind of sigh.

I started walking to the only place I know to go, which is back home. I'm going to collect my things, hoping my father is asleep and drunk, and leave. I'll go camp out at who knows where. Maybe I'll go back to the streets for a little while. I know some guys who have my back.

•Millie's POV•
He just stared at me. His lifeless eyes scared me. The old Finn was back, back to no emotion. I couldn't take it, it made me sad. I went up to him to try and get him to tell me what's wrong, what happened, but he left. What did I do?! Wait, not what I did.

"SADIE?!" I screamed, still staring at the front door, frantically hoping he would come back. I wasn't going to chase after him, I didn't want to put myself through that right now.

She slowly walked into the kitchen, trying to cover up how flustered she is. "What the hell did you do to him?! He was fine! I was finally understanding him! Now all of a sudden he's acting like he did before! Sadie, what did you do to him?!" I asked, furious with my best friend.

"Mills, I didn't want him to hurt you! You've been through so much, and I just wanted to protect you from guys like Wolfhard!" She said, trying to sound soothing, trying to get me to calm down. But I couldn't.

"He's been through so much too! That's why I opened up to him! There is so much about this situation that you don't know. That's what you do. You get into people's business, and you screw every thing up! I was getting somewhere with him. He... he made me feel not alone anymore," I said, tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Mills, I'm sorry. I just don't trust him. I didn't mean to mess everything up, I promise. I'm just being an overprotective friend. Do you know where he is? We can go find him, I'll find him for you!" She was trying to make me feel better, and it started to work. I couldn't stay mad at my best friend who I'd been through everything with. Besides, I was worried and I needed to find him soon.

"Ok, fine. We'll go look for him. If we find him, I'll think about forgiving you," I said with a serious tone. She smiled and clapped her hands together. "We'll take my car, hurry up! He might be at his house or something," I yelled, already running to my car. She followed right behind me.

We had been zooming up and down streets, frantically searching for him before he gets in trouble or God forbid- injured. It had been 2 hours and Sadie started to yawn. "Mills, he probably went home. You'll see him tomorrow, it'll be fine. Can't we just hang out for now? Watch movies or something? He'll be fine!"

Even though I wasn't completely sure, after he told me his story last night, I trusted her. Big mistake.

I turned the car around and started driving back to my house. I needed to get him off of my mind tonight. He knows he can come to my house if he's in trouble, I hope he's ok. "Sades, I have the perfect idea! I'll invite over Maddie and Grace and we can have a girls night. Y'all are going to sleep over!" I said with a big smile.

It feels like I haven't seen my gals in forever, though it's only been 2 days. Sadie squealed in excitement and clapped her hands together, before calling Grace and Maddie, telling them to 'get their asses to my house, and to bring their shit for school tomorrow.' Her phrasing was very... Sadie, lets just say that. I looked forward to the night ahead, as I zoned out, pulling back into the driveway.

•Finn's POV•
I walked onto the old, familiar, cracked driveway that needed to be redone so badly. The nightmare I had gotten to know so well, my personal hell, 2530 Demo drive. (Hehe, get it? Demo? Demogorgan? HEHEHE) (sorry, I'll leave).

I walked up to the back door, as to not wake up my father, hoping he is, in fact, asleep. He would kill me if he found out I hadn't come home last night. I walked in and didn't hear anything. I sighed a breath of relief, he was asleep.

I walked up the creaky steps, cursing them out for being so loud, until I got to the top, where I slowly walked towards my room. When I successfully made it, I went to my closet with a suitcase, piling all of my clothes into it, not caring to fold them. I lifted the suitcase, about to walk out of my room, when I hear footsteps creaking up the stairs.

I opened the window and threw the suitcase out of it, about to get out that way, myself. But I'm stopped by the voice I've grown to be terrified of. "Now what the hell do you think you're doin', boy?" I shakily turn around. There, in the doorway, stood my father. An empty beer in his hand. Welp, I'm fucked.

OOPS! How in the hell is Finn gonna get outta this? And where is he gonna go if he gets out? I don't know either, I'm as in the dark as u😂 hopefully I'll figure it out soon lmao

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