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•"Yay!" She exclaimed, before putting her head on my chest, falling asleep immediately. That night was the best night of sleep I had gotten in years.•

•Millie's POV•
I groaned when I was pulled out of my peaceful sleep by my alarm clock, blaring at me. "Fuck off," I groaned, before hearing my pillow laugh. My eyebrows knitted together in confusion, before I looked up and saw Finn. I immediately smiled, leaning up and kissing him softly. He kissed back quickly, but pulled away as quick as we started.

When he pulled away, I pouted, and he laughed again. "Come on, Mills, we have to get to school. Can't risk Ms Dyer getting mad at both of us," he said, before getting up, pulling me with him. We giggled as he pulled me up, and I tripped on a shoe next to my bed. I fell into him, and he didn't even budge. He just caught me, and pulled me into his warm, strong chest.

"Hey, look at that. Looks like I really fell for you," I said with a laugh. He joined the laugh, and shook his head with a wide smile.

"You're really corny you know that?" He asked, and I nodded. He breathed in deeply, and stared into my eyes. "You're so beautiful. I'm so glad that I got to wake up next to you," he told me with a confidence that I remembered from when he made me flustered in the hallway yesterday, after Iris left.

"And I'm glad that I got to wake up next to the cutest, most handsome, confident, and strong boy I've ever met," I said with a grin.

"Oh, am I really. I'm really the strongest? Last time I checked, I'm pretty lanky," he said, making me laugh, pulling me in for another sweet and short kiss. "Ok, enough of this. We have to get to school," he said before stopping in his tracks.

"What's wrong Finnie?" I asked, remembering the nickname I gave him. He turned to me with a smile and freshly blushed cheeks, but still looked nervous.

"Mills, I don't have any clothes. What do I do?" He asked me, running his fingers through his curly locks, that I had grown so fond of over the past few days. I thought for a second, before I had an idea pop into my head.

"Wait! My dad! He kept m his old clothes in the basement from when he was our age, and so did my mom. We should both wear one of their outfits, we could, like, time travel. Just us," I said, leaning into him, with a small grin on my lips.

When we got to the closet, he pulled out a silk, green jacket, and some black jeans without rips in them. They were rolled at the ankle already, so he didn't touch them. He saw a pair of black converse and smiled, before grabbing them quickly. "Hey, your dad and I are the same shoe size!" He said with a large smile. I smiled, tears coming into my eyes at the thought of wearing my parents' old clothes. I pushed the tears back immediately, right before he turned to me.

"Hey, look at you, stud muffin!" I yelled excitedly, rushing over to him and felling his jacket, squeezing his biceps. "See? You're strong!" I argued playfully. He chuckled, before pulling me next to him to pick out my outfit.

I pulled out a pair of tight, leather pants, a red, fluffy sweater, and red heels. I told Finn to turn around while I changed. After I put everything on, I told him he could turn around. His face was priceless. His eyes widened and a large smile appeared on his face. "Damn, cutie, you seein' anybody?" He asked, getting closer to me.

"Well, I have my eyes on this one boy. He's a cutie and makes my heart swell," I said, leaning into him, looking into his deep eyes that ran smooth, like a stream. But at the same time, I could see and feel the waves smacking together, eventually blending into one.

He smirked, "and who might this boy be?" He pulled me closer, if that's even possible.

"It's this boy who looks incredible in a silk jacket, has amazingly sexy, curly hair. When I run my hands through it, I get lost in how soft it is, like I'm sitting atop fluffy clouds, never able to fall through," I told him, reaching my hand up into his hair.

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