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It was Saturday, the morning after the big game. I woke up at 9:00am, the usual, and put on black nike shorts and a grey hoodie. I met Sadie downstairs at the usual time and we went for our morning jog together.

She got me into jogging, of course. I now look forward to it every Saturday morning. This was always our relaxation time to talk about anything we wanted to. She was the first to speak up. "So, Mills, why did you smirk at Finn last night before we left?" She asked with a confused face.

"Finn is such a dick, and he was being really rude to me before I introduced him last night, so I proved him wrong. I wanted him to make sure that he knew he wasn't going to speak to me the way he did and get away with it. I smirked at him and winked so that he knows he isn't getting away with what he's done so easily," I told her with a smile on my face. She looked at me wide-eyed in pure shock.

"Damn girl, you sound like a psycho girlfriend getting revenge on her mans... OH MY GOD WAIT!! That's it! Mills, do you like Finn?!" She asked, stopping in her tracks. My jaw dropped in disgust as I turned back to her. "Hell no, never in a hundred years. That's like the stupidest thing I've ever heard, why would you even ask that?" I asked rambling on and on about how disgusting that'd be.

She smirked at me as I was rambling. I just stared at her in shock that she could even think I would like someone as terrible as him. We got off the topic and kept our minds focused on running, but I couldn't stop thinking about Finn.

Now that Sadie brought him up, I kept wondering why he acts the way he does. He has everything he could want! But his parents weren't at the game last night, maybe that's why he was so annoyed. But whatever, that doesn't give him an excuse to be mean to me when I've done nothing wrong but save a guy's ass that he was about to beat.

Holy shit! I never texted Jacob! "Sades oh my god, I have to go!" I yelled to Sadie, apologizing before running off to my house. I got inside and ran to the shower, washing myself off quickly before getting out and drying off. I put my robe on and ran to my phone. I texted Jacob:

Me: hey Jacob I'm so sorry for not texting you, I've been so busy because of the football game. Maybe we can talk now?

Jacob: hey Millie it's totally cool I get it. Maybe we could hang out to catch up? I saw you at the football game last night, you're really good. I'm actually on the team.

Me: Omg thanks! Ya, you're #8, right?

Jacob: ya!

Me: nice, well, I can hang out in about 10 minutes if you want to come to my house? It's 353 Mirkwood Road.

Jacob: ya of course I'll see you in around 15 minutes?

Me: see you then!

I set my phone down and ran to my closet to pick out an outfit. I eventually threw on this outfit:

I put my wet hair into a messy bun and in just enough time before I hear the doorbell ring

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I put my wet hair into a messy bun and in just enough time before I hear the doorbell ring. I run downstairs, expecting to see Jacob, but I'm greeted by... FINN?! Why did he come here, and how does he know where I live?!

"Wolfhard? What the hell are you doing here?" I ask him, raising my eyebrows in surprise. "I was at the school for football practice and I found this necklace on the ground. It says Millie, so I'm guessing it's yours?" He asked, without a care in the world. I realized it's the necklace my dad got me a few years ago. If I had ever lost that necklace I'd lose my mind.

Tears had formed in my eyes, probably just because I missed my parents. "Uh, kid, are you okay?" He asked, awkwardly, as if he just wanted to give me the necklace and run. I looked at him, a single tear rolling down my cheek, and I did something I thought I'd never do. I hugged him. I hugged him really tight, I just needed someone to be there for me, and I knew he didn't want to, I just broke down.

I pulled away after a few seconds. "Thank you, Finn. I shouldn't have made you uncomfortable. I'm sorry if I did," I said, wiping away my tears. "It's uh, it's fine. Sorry if I did anything wrong," I cut him off, "you did nothing wrong. Actually, you lifted my worries. So thank you." I gave a small, weak smile.

"Ya, no problem, kid," he said before walking away. He didn't give a smile or anything, just the same emotionless face.

•Finn's POV• (ya ik I'm extra hehe)
What the fuck just happened? This girl that I thought hated me just gave me a hug? I can't even tell you the last time I've come in contact with someone. All the girls at school may fall at my feet, and everyone thinks I have sex with them. But the truth is, I can't bring myself to touch anyone or find love. My father is the reason for that.

He hits me, usually not in the face because he knows he'll be caught if he does. Any time someone comes close to me I get really awkward, and sometimes if it's quick, I flinch. I can't help it, I've been protecting myself for most of my life, and when Millie hugged me, it opened old wounds (metaphorically) when my mom was still here.

As I sat in my car, I couldn't stop thinking about Millie. At least I know what her name is now, maybe I'll stop calling her "kid". Why would she even want to hug me? I've been a dick to her.

When she did hug me, it reminded me of the last time Nick, my brother, hugged me. It was before the life left his eyes due to the cancer that took him away from me. That's when my father started abusing me. He blamed me for Nick's death, and since I could understand it, blamed me for my mom leaving.

When Millie hugged me, I almost smiled. Almost. But it hurt even thinking about smiling. It's been way too long since I smiled, I don't think I can anymore. I hope she just stays away from me, it's better for her, she's too happy of a person to get involved with someone like me.

That's also why I was so annoyed when she smirked and winked at me last night. She doesn't get it. She's never been like me, alone and afraid, always trying to protect myself. I don't want her to see that part of me, she deserves an easy life, and getting involved with someone like me is not good for her. So why does my mind keep drifting to her with every thought I have?

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