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• "we're going to sit with him and his group at lunch tomorrow!" I said with a smile. They looked at me wide-eyed.•

•Millie's POV•
"Oh hell no, Mills! They're straight up trouble! We have a reputation that we said we were going to keep up for the rest of high school! What about the pact," Grace said, worried. They're all worried about our reputation instead of focusing on who people really are.

"Ya, I mean, think about it, Mills. If Jacob sees you're sitting with Finn Wolfhard, the guy that almost beat him up, what's he supposed to think? I don't think you want to do this, Mills," Maddie spoke up, eating a cheez it from the snack pile I had accumulated from the snack cabinets.

"That's so true, and what about his gang? Did he even ask them? They probably don't like us, we're like the opposite of them," Sadie said, grabbing the sour patch kids. I huffed, seeing how stubborn they are.

"Ok, you know what? You guys never give this stuff a chance until later, and I'm always right about it! You don't trust me, but always end up saying shit like 'oh sorry Mills, we should've listened to you' mumbo jumbo. You guys are going to trust me about this. Now," I said, literally putting my foot down.

Maddie and Grace stared at me, torn between my demand and their own opinions. Sadie threw her hands up and huffed out of frustration. She looked like a toddler throwing a tantrum. I'm sick of it. "Ok, seriously guys, shut up. Either you come sit with them with me, or I go by myself. I will, you know."

"You know what, Mills, you can go ahead and sit with them yourself. I'm not risking this for myself. I have a lot going for me. I want to go to homecoming with Jack, and Grace and Sadie would be idiots to not agree with me for themselves. You'll be risking this yourself, being a cheerleader and the volleyball captain," Maddie ranted. She seemed more scared than anything. How do these sweet, broken boys scare them?

Sadie and Grace nodded their head quickly, agreeing with Maddie. Great. More things I get to go through alone because nobody understands. Except Finn. And that's why I'm going to sit with him. "You know what?-" I was cut off by Grace.

"Are you going to say that we're right? You know we are, Mills. Why won't you just admit it!" She threw her arms up in the air like I was crazy if I didn't listen to them. Well guess what, I've known Finn for less than 24 hours and he already understands me more than my best friends do. So screw them.

"Ya Millie. I'm serious. Come with us, or you're going to regret it," Sadie said, trying to comfort me. Like I needed their stupid pity. I put my head down, acting like I was really torn between two decisions.

They put their hands on my shoulders, about to bring me into a group hug, like they actually cared. I stopped them before they brought me into the hug. "Get out," I said softly at first.

"What?" They all said with a small chuckle at first. They really think I'm not serious. "Get. Out." I said firmer, hoping they would actually get the memo. They just looked at me with their eyebrows furrowed. "GET OUT! Get out! Get. Out! Get out of my house, before you seriously regret it," I said calming down once again.

They started quickly piling out of the house, Sadie mumbling "bye Mills," before closing the front door. I sat on the couch and tears filled in my eyes again. I never got Finn's number, so I can't text him and ask him if he's ok. And I don't know his friends. I'm a terrible friend. But I do know Jacob's number. I need a distraction. (Not like that get yo mind out the gutter)

After one ring he picked up. "Hey Millie! What's up?" I heard his sweet voice on the other line. "Hey Jacob, I'm really upset and on the verge of hyperventilating. Do you mind coming over? You're my last hope," I asked desperately into the other line, tears slipping out of my eyes.

I've lost everyone. I've lost my best friends because their skulls are so thick, and I've lost Finn because Sadie- no. I lost him because I thought he felt the way I did. I let him slip away. And I'm not about to let that happen with one more person, so Jacob is my next shot.

After about 10 minutes in my demented head, thinking of more ways I've ruined my life, I hear a few soft knocks on the front door. I slowly get off the couch, my energy slowly depleting. I don't know what happened over the course of the last 24 hours, but my happiness came and left within the short day. I just want it to come back to me.

I opened the door and I saw his smiling face. When he noticed my reddened, tear-stained cheeks, he embraced me into a tight hug. When we pulled away after the long hug, he led me to the couch. "What's wrong, sweet Mills?" He asked, pushing a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Are you attracted to me, Jacob? I feel like you are and I need to know before I make a fool of myself," I asked, desperate for answers.

"Oh, Mills. I'm not attracted to any female," he said with a slight chuckle. My eyebrows knitted together in confusion until everything clicked.

"Oh my God! I'm sorry! This must be so awkward for you. Oh my lord this is so embarrassing," I said, getting up and pacing around the room. His fingers interlaced with mine as he pulled me back down onto the couch.

"Mills, you're completely fine. You know, you might not want to tell anyone about this unless it's completely necessary. I'm kind of out of the closet, but not really. I just don't want to be seen different to the other guys on the football team, ya know?" He asked, and I nodded with a cheeky grin. "I told you because I trust you, and if it's completely necessary in the situation, you can go ahead and say it. I'm out and proud."

I can sit with Finn at lunch now, at least, if he'll even let me. "Oh Jacob, I'm so happy for you! I'm proud of you for being proud to show who you are. And I promise I won't tell anyone unless it's completely necessary," I said with a cheeky grin, embracing him in a tight hug. He returned it immediately.

We talked for hours, telling each other more things about each other. He's exactly what I needed. I didn't need to feel a physical connection, all I needed was a shoulder to cry on, someone to crack jokes with to help me forget about feeling abandoned.

I just needed someone to help me forget.

What up bitches, hope u missed me :) ugh I love all u guys and I appreciate all of the support on this book. I've been putting my heart and soul into writing it. Y'all, I gotta know, do u guys plan ur stories out before writing them? I had like a vague idea and I went from there. I make up every chapter on the spot. Wait... that might be why they suck so bad 😬. IT'S FINE

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