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This gonna be a long chapter, have funnnn

•I led all of them to the bleachers, and I went to practice with the team before the big game, our first one of the season.•

•Finn's POV•
I sat with the guys, and the girls sat right next to us. Caleb sat on the end, making sure to sit right next to Sadie. I smirked right at him to let him know that I noticed.

Noah also sat in the row right above us, and Grace sat next to him. I think Gaten and Maddie could make a cute pair. She's sassy and fun, and Gaten is sarcastic and willing to do anything. Well, he was that way, before his ex girlfriend put him through what she did.

After talking with them all for a while, I had gotten to know the girls a bit. When we saw Millie walk in, Maddie turned to me. "Take care of her, ok? I have no doubt you will, but she's been through a lot. And I know you have too. Just, if you break her, I break you, understood?" She asked and I chuckled and nodded. Grace and Sadie giggled and leaned in to pat me on the back.

"So, when do you plan on kissing her, man?" Noah asked, leaning over and knocking me on the head. I laughed as the rest of them leaned over and started whacking me lightly on the head as well.

"I don't know, I planned on kissing her tonight. I wanted to make it special, and I know she already thinks tonight is special, with all of her friends getting along. I just hope she likes me," I said, rubbing my hands together, a nervous habit that started ever since Nick was diagnosed with cancer.

"Trust me, she likes you. She's so protective over you, and she chose you over her best friends. She likes you," Grace told me comfortingly. I nodded, as that gave me a lot more confidence.

Before we could talk anymore, Millie and her team started to walk out, her leading the way with a bright smile in her uniform. We all cheered as they started to take their positions. She was serving first. The ref rolled the ball to her and she picked it up.

When the ref blew the whistle, signaling the game had started, she threw the ball up, and as it started to come back down, she hit the ball with her palm, sending it over the net with force. The other team sent it back, and she worked with her team to get the ball back over the net. When they sent it back over again, she yelled, "got it!" Before setting it to her friend in the front row. The girl got positioned, and as the set started to come down, she spiked it right over the net, getting the first point.

The game ended with a win from Hawkins High School. Millie and her team yelled in victory, and went to a huddle. I saw Millie in the middle of it, a smile on her face, exciting each of the girls on the win. When she put her hand in the middle, and entered the huddle position, she yelled, "Hawkins on three! One, two, three!" They all yelled, "Hawkins!"

She's so beautiful, I can't help but stare at her. They exited the huddle, and all ran towards their families, whereas she ran towards us, and I was glad to be her family. She smiled and hugged me quickly. "You did amazing," I whispered in her ear. She pulled away, blushing. I smirked playfully.

"Mills, you were great out there! You're the best team captain," Sadie expressed, also giving Millie a hug. Every one of us told her that she did great, and she gave her thank you's to every one of us.

"Ok, so we can head to my house, does anyone need a ride?" She asked sweetly. I turned to Caleb, Gaten, and Noah, and they looked down shyly. I turned to her and then nodded my head in their direction. "Ok, I have an idea. Caleb, you can ride with Sadie. Noah, you can ride with Grace. Gaten, you can ride with Maddie, and Finn can ride with me. Sound good?" She asked, winking at me.

They all nodded, less shy this time. I saw Maddie go up to Gaten and start talking to him, which I was glad about, I could tell Gaten had a small crush on her. Caleb and Sadie, and Noah and Grace walked to the girls' cars. I went up to Millie.

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