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•We paid attention for the rest of class, but I couldn't help my mind wandering back to Finn all the time. If I can't get him out of my head, he's going to start affecting my grades.•

•Millie's POV•
When the bell rang, I hopped out of my seat and walked out of class, and found Finn standing by the doorway, waiting for me. "Hey, Finnie," I said with a wide smile. He was brought out of a thought he was having and turned to me. When he noticed it was me, a large smile appeared on his face.

"Hey, Mills." He stood next to me and we started walking to History with Mr Keery. "So, I'm basically failing Mr Heaton's class and I have a test next week. I was hoping after the game tonight you could maybe help me?" He asked, almost grabbing my hand.

I quickly moved it away, trying to keep "us" on the down-low for now. "Of course," I turned my head to look up at him, but he wasn't looking at me. He was looking forward, with a hurt and confused look on his face. I mentally cursed myself, thinking of a way to apologize, but we were already at the class.

We sat down, and were silent for awhile. While Mr Keery was responding to emails, giving us a free day to do whatever, I looked at Finn, trying to figure out if he was mad at me.

"Finn," he kept looking down, "Finn?" By the 2nd time I had said his name, he looked up at me. I could see the hurt in his eyes that he was trying to cover up. "Finnie, what's wrong? Did I do something?" I asked kindly, putting my hand on the side of his face.

I could feel and see his face easing slowly into my hand. "Are you ashamed of me?" Finn asked after a minute or so. My eyebrows knitted together immediately in confusion.

"How could I ever be ashamed of you?" I said, putting my other hand on his face as well, focusing his attention to me.

"I don't know. I'm not as upbeat and fun, and you pulled your hand away when I went to grab it," he said, looking at the ground by the end. I just looked at him with sadness displayed on my face.

"I know you're not crazy like Sadie, or fearless like Maddie, or shy like Grace, but you have everything they don't. You hold my entire heart in your hands. The reason I pulled my hand away in the hallway was to not ruin your reputation. To not make you uncomfortable for the shit you will get when people find out about us." I said, tears rising to the surface of my waterline, while I desperately try to hold them back. He doesn't deserve anything that people would tell him.

"Mills, I like you so much. But I don't care if people find out about us. I can deal with the pain, I don't care. As long as I have you, all is right," his cheeks slightly tinging pink on the last sentence. With a bright smile, I pull him in for a warm, but soft embrace. I didn't want to hurt his still-broken rib.

We stayed like that for a while, my head rested on his strong yet lanky chest, and his atop my small head. He whispered sweet nothings into my ear and I would laugh at everything he would say. I would look up at him every once and a while, and when nobody was looking, which was often, I would sneak a quick peck. Every kiss brightened his crooked smile.

When the bell rang, I was upset that I had to leave, and of all places I had to go to, it was child development with Hopper? Yuck. "Finnie, please don't let me go to Hopper's class! It's so uncomfortable," I told him with a pleading face. He started laughing.

"Mills, you know I'm not going to let you ditch that class. And besides, you can't leave Maddie alone with him, that would be pure death," he said, cracking up at his own joke. I sarcastically laughed before going back to a straight face. He gave a a quick look, gave me a hug, and then sent me on my way.

I ended up actually going to Hopper's class, which I guess is a good thing? I mean at least I won't fail his class. On my way to the class, I picture how happy Finn will be that I get to introduce him every football game. A smile plastered on my face, I walk into Hopper's class, where I'm greeted by Maddie.

"Hey Mills, what's got you so happy? Oh, let me guess. Wolfhard?" She asked, pretending to think. I laughed and nodded, before taking a seat next to her just as I had every day before that.

"Ok, so I have a surprise for him, but I need to tell someone about it so I don't spoil it," I said, leaning in to tell her. She leaned in quickly to listen. "Ok, so basically when Iris didn't show up for the pep rally and game, and I had to cover for her, the girls liked me as a leader more than her. So they kicked her off the squad and gave me the captain's spot," I said clapping and smiling.

Her eyes widened and she started squealing, before embracing me in a tight hug. "Ok, since I've heard enough giggling and squealing from those two, we'll actually be starting our lesson early today," Hopper said, standing in front of the entire class with the bridge of his nose between his pointer finger and thumb.

Maddie and I giggled as Hopper began the lesson. By the end, we found out there would be a test at the end of the week, which should be easy. I don't even need to study, this class is so easy.

We walked out of the class and I said bye to Maddie while I ran to meet up with Finn outside of Mr Heaton's class. I got there quickly, considering it was right down the hall, and saw him still putting his things away. I decided to walk in and meet him.

"Hey, Finnie. Hey, boys!" I was surprised and excited to see Caleb, Gaten, and Noah all there with him. All of them smiled and waved at me, but Finn's smile and stare stayed longer. The boys all winked at Finn and I and shuffled out of the classroom quickly, leaving us to each other.

"Hey, Mills. How was the hour without me?" He asked with a slight chuckle.

"Terrible! I can't spend an hour away from you!" I said with a dramatic sarcasm tone, which gained a loud laugh from him.

"Ya, ya. Whatever. Are you excited for the game tonight?" He asked, and I nodded. "I'm sad because I don't have you to introduce me, but I'll cheer really loud for you after your routine," he said sweetly, moving closer to me.

This time, I decided to do something brave, something he's wanted, and I can tell he still wants it now. I grabbed his hand and interlaced our fingers. I looked up to see him not able to hold back a bright smile, as I noticed the pep in his step. I quietly laughed to myself, and we continued walking to lunch.

I went to continue what I started at lunch, buying the boys lunch, but when I got there with Finn, I saw that the girls had gotten the boys lunch. Sadie had gotten Caleb a burger, Grace had gotten Noah grilled cheese, and Maddie had gotten Gaten and herself salads. A bright smile came to my face before I got Finn and I turkey wraps.

Even though I had to spend the rest of the day away from Finn, the happiness I felt never left. The thought of him kissing and holding me took over my body and I lost myself in him.

Y'all I am TIRED. Anyways, hope u enjoyed the chapter, I enjoyed writing it! I'm in the mood for chaos next chapter. Oh, and bring holy water ;)

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