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"He's in room 11, hun," she responded. I thanked her and then ran to room 11.

When I walked in, I felt like I was part of a horror scene, at least for me.

I saw Jack, Wyatt, and their puppy sitting next to Finn's bed, spacing out. And Finn, tubes going into his nose and mouth, unconscious. I gasped at the sight. The dog woke up and ran towards me, and Jack and Wyatt came back to reality.

"Oh, ya. That's Harley by the way. Finn wanted to tell you his name, but I don't know if it'll be too late for that now," He said, wiping away a tear that had freshly fallen down his cheek.

"Jack, you don't have to hide your emotions. It's ok to cry. Hell, I've been crying non-stop for the past 4 days," I said, rushing over to him, embracing him before he broke down in my arms. I turned to Wyatt to see his eyes glazed over as he looked into mine. "What happened, Wy."

"We just wanted to go to the park and play football, have some fun with Harley. And this fucking car was driving 30 miles over the speed limit. Finn was joking around and wasn't paying attention. None of us were, but he was ahead and walking, but that car didn't realize until it already hit him. Mills, he went flying. Into the windshield and then over the roof of the car. We ran over to him but he was already unconscious. We called 911 and now we're here. Some girl and her friends came by and they all looked sad, but Harley wouldn't let them near Finn. It's remarkable that he even let you through the door." Wyatt looked so traumatized while explaining the story, letting a few tears fall out of his glazed-over eyes.

After a moment of silence, Jack sat up out of my arms and spoke. "He loves you so much, Mills. Please don't let him leave. Please don't leave him. I've seen Finn angry and sad before, but this was different. I tried to make him laugh and even when he did, I could tell there was something always eating away at him. Last night, I heard him silently cry himself to sleep. I know he thinks he's mastered the art of hiding his feelings from everyone, but I know he hasn't. When he wakes up... if he wakes up, please don't let him go. You both need each other so much," he looked at me, then to Finn. Then he nodded to himself.

I turned to Wyatt to see him nod to me, agreeing with Jack. "I know, Jacky, I know," I said, giving Jack a new nickname. He smiled at the new name, then turned to Wyatt, giving him a look.

"We should get going, but thank you for coming, Mills. And please, please stay with Finn in case he does wake up. I know he'd rather open his eyes to see you than us," he said with a smile before pulling on Harley's leash to get up and leave. But Harley refused to leave the room, he growled when they tried. They ended up taking off the leash and letting Harley jump on the end of the bed and lay on Finn's feet. Then they left, just after each of them gave me long hugs.

Once they left, I turned to Harley and smiled. "Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy!" I said with a quick laugh, seeing his little tail wag. He was so small that he wouldn't hurt Finn by laying on his feet. I pulled my chair over to the side of the bed and laid my head on his leg, grabbing his hand, and slowly falling asleep to the sound of the heart monitor.

I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door. I sat up in my chair and saw that it was a nurse, coming in to check on me and Finn. After she was done making sure Finn was ok, she turned to me. "Are you alright, honey? I can bring you something to eat, and your dog something?" And that's when I realized I hadn't eaten anything in 3 days except for some crackers. But the thought of food made me want to throw up.

"Um, I'll just have some water, please. Would you mind bringing something for Harley to eat? And some water for him as well?" I asked with a croak, probably from being exhausted. She nodded with a kind smile and left the room. Harley was alert now, making sure no one was coming to hurt me or Finn. "Hi little guy," I said to him. He turned to me, and saw that I was talking to him. He got up, stretching and yawning, and walked slowly over to me. I picked him up and held him close. He went back to sleep in my arms, and I just sat and watched Finn.

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