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•Finn's POV•
"I think you're my happiness, Millie." I sighed a breath of relief. It felt as though I've been holding it in for a whole year. I didn't know I'd make it this far, I think I'm just so thankful that Millie came into my life when she did. I just wish liked me the way I think I like her.

She looked at me, tears rolling down her face. She looked so sad, like she felt really bad for me. Everyone that I've told, who is just the guys, feel bad for me. But she's the only one that looks like she understands me. Maybe she's more like me than I thought.

"Millie?" I looked up at her, and she pulled me into a sweet, calming embrace. I took a deep breath and admired her scent. I pulled away, and finished the rest of my story. "I uh, well, after Nick died, my dad lost it. Instead of trying to get closer to me, he turned to alcohol and only alcohol. I don't remember a day that he wasn't drunk. And nobody was there to see me trying to run away from him. So I was stuck in an abusive relationship for the past year. But it's ok, it made me stronger, made me gain some muscles," I said with a smile.

•Millie's POV•
The fact that he can smile, even after being put through so much his entire life, makes me admire him even more.

"Finn, you're the strongest person I know. You've been through so much, and you still come out at the end with a laugh. I can't help but admire you," I told him, leaning in closer. I kissed his cheek and when I pulled away a little bit, I saw the pinkness invading his cheeks. I think I really like him. We could be amazing friends.

"Do you want to tell me your life story? I want to hear it, since I'm so thankful that you listened to mine and reacted the best way to make me feel better," he said with a soft, embarrassed smile. "Of course, Finn. We can trust each other now." I gave a smile before starting.

"Well, my parents and I used to live in England, and it was very fun there. I do miss it there sometimes, but it might just be because I miss the memories we would make there. They actually used to spend time with me there. But anyways, one day they told me we were moving to America, because they got a new job that would give us everything we wanted. And at the time, we weren't the wealthiest, we were kind of poor. So coming here seemed like a dream. When we finally came here, they would go on business trips and I barely ever saw them. When they'd come back, they'd leave almost immediately again the next day. I got used to being by myself. But one day, I got a call, and the airline told me there had been a plane crash, with no survivors..." I started to cry a little bit, since it's been a little while since I've actually told this story out loud, and it hurts really bad, I'm not going to lie.

He pulled me over to the couch and sat me on his lap. He played with my hair, and for some reason, it calmed me down, big time. I felt like I could continue, so I did. "After I found out my parents were gone for good, I became really close to Sadie, my neighbor and best friend. I joined the cheer team and volleyball team to fill a void that I didn't know how to possibly fill. The company my parents worked at pay me every 2 weeks to keep my bills paid for, and to make sure I don't sue them, to keep my mouth shut. But it's fine, I can live comfortably still." I finished my story, and leaned my head into his chest, accepting his embrace.

"Well, it looks like we're both really fucked up after all," he said, his voice cracking. I giggled and leaned up to look at him. He looked back down at me and smiled. "I like your laugh, it's so soothing," he said with a small smirk. I leaned my head into the crook of his neck to avoid him seeing me blushing.

I got up after a minute or so because I remembered Finn's food. I put the rest of it together and handed him the plate, before sitting next to him. I watched him eat, as we talked more about how messed up our lives are. We're two broken kids, but we're slowly fixing each other. And I couldn't appreciate him more for it.

•Time skip• (maybe likeeee 2 hrs, it's now 11pm)
"Tomorrow is Sunday. Do you maybe... uh, d-do you want to, uh, hang out o-or something?" Finn asked, stuttering. He's so cute, his little blush of embarrassment. It's really sad he won't ever like me the way I like him.

We've bonded over these short hours, and I'm starting to catch feelings. But if he doesn't like me, I still want to be there for him, emotionally. I already think of him as a close friend to me. And besides, Jacob likes me as a girlfriend, I'm almost positive.

Me and Finn should just be there for each other, I don't know if we could handle being alone again if something were to go wrong between us. But I don't know why I'm talking about this. It's not like he likes me.

"Of course I'll hang out with you, Finn. You don't need to be nervous or anything," I said with a small giggle. His cheeks turned redder than they already were, and he gave a shy smile. He looked down, trying not to show his reddened cheeks, but I lifted his chin with my finger. "Don't hide, I'll miss you too much," I said with a small smile. He gave a bigger, genuine smile. I haven't seen him smile like that before. I loved it.

"So what do you want to do tomorrow?" I asked, breaking the silence. His smile was still present when he answered, "I think we should get ice cream and then go down to the beach. We could stay until the sun starts to set! And then... well, I guess I'll, uh, go back home." He was so excited, and then his voice started to get softer, and his emotion started to go away again.

I wasn't going to let that happen, the real Finn just came into my life, I can't have it leave again. "No!" I caught him off guard and he jumped a little. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. It's just, I can't let you go back to that hell house. I won't let you. You're staying here, with me. I have multiple extra bedrooms upstairs, and I could really use the company," I said with a soft smile, resting my hand on his forearm securely.

He smiled again, happiness refilling into his twinkly, chocolate eyes, "Okay."

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