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I walked inside and I wasn't greeted by anyone except darkness that filled the house. I felt the sense of someone in the house, though. Putting my mind at ease, I was almost startled at the sight of Sadie lifting herself from my couch and coming over to me. "Millie, how is he?" She asked, genuinely trying to reach out to me. I was tired of resisting, so I finally just gave in and told her everything.

| Millie's POV |

I did it. I confided in my best friend once again, even after I told myself never again. But I knew. I knew she would always be there. She would always be the most stubborn, the most opinionated, the most argumentative, but she would always be my best friend. Nothing was going to change that.

By the end of it, I was laying my head on her legs and she was running her fingers through my hair, letting all of my emotions out. "And, Sadie oh my God feeling him squeeze my hand was the best feeling in the world. Knowing he could hear me and reassuring me, it just made me so happy," I told her.

"Mills, I'm so happy that he heard you and you were able to tell him everything. I am so sorry that I ever did what I did to you. How could I do that to my best friend in the world? I found myself staying out of every conversation the group has been having, and even though Caleb has. tried to get me to open up, I needed my Millster. Is there any way you could forgive me? I know I don't deserve it," she opened up to me. She was being genuine and I could hear the exhaustion and I could see the tear-stained eyes and cheeks. She's in the same place I am.

"Sades, of course I can forgive you. But this won't ever be tolerated again. From here on out, I make my own rules. My own decisions. Hear me?" I told her in a motherly way, pointing my finger at her. She giggled and nodded. Then I quickly embraced her in a hug and we didn't let go for I don't even know how long.

A long while later, she spoke up, "Mills, I know it's the last thing you probably want to do right now, but... I know everyone is really sorry, they just don't know how to apologize." I knew she was right, so I decided to invite them over to talk.

| 1 hour later |

Everyone showed up and I led them to the living room to talk. "Ok, I think we all need to talk. I don't want this to be a lecture from me, I want an actual conversation. So let's just start from the beginning," I said, sitting next to Sadie, letting the conversation unfold.

"I think we can all just go one by one and give our apologies. I want to start by expressing how sorry I am. We've been best friends for so long and I'm sorry that I let myself think I could just run your life like that. It isn't right and is just mean. If you want to be with Finn, I... we fully support you. We were all just petty and selfish. I'm so sorry Mills, and I love you," Grace spoke up first. Noah grabbed her hand and rubbed it gently when tears started to roll down her cheeks. "I never thought I could be that mean to someone... people that I care about. And for that, I am incredibly sorry. There's no way I can make it up to you either, I just have to live with the thought of hurting my best friend and her loving boyfriend." She sat back, breaking down from guilt.

I quickly jumped in, "Gracie, it's ok. I could never stay mad at you, but please trust my judgement next time. I know what I'm talking about sometimes. And please stay out of my love life. If I call you for comfort, be there for me. But please don't start making decisions for me."

"Right, of course! I'll never do it again! I mean we love Finn, there's no reason I'll interfere anymore," she responded quickly, happy that I accepted her apology.

"Ok, I'm going to go next. I don't even know how to start this. I feel like I've been my worst self these past days, and it hurts Mills. It really hurts to see you in pain, emotionally, mentally, physically. I mean, I can see the eye bags under your eyes, I can see your bones popping out of your skin. It looks like you haven't slept since Jacob was hassled by Finn. We want to be there now, to help anyone and everyone, especially you. I'm so sorry Mills," Maddie explained. Maddie has always been about looks and how pretty you are. She doesn't mean to be passive aggressive in her apology, so I don't take any offense to it. All I do is smile and thank her. She gets up to give me a hug and I allow it. "Jeez, Mills, your bones really are sticking out. What have you been eating," she says as a joke, but I see Sadie turn to me wide-eyed. She knew.

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