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"Yes, ma'am," he responded, before getting out of my way while I walked to Jacob's car with my things, completely ignoring everyone around me until I got to the car. Thank God I don't have to ride home with that asshat.

| Finn's POV |
I sat in the car, alone in the very back while everyone else was closer to the front. Tears were slowly coming out of my eyes no matter how hard I tried to keep them in. I lost her. I lost my everything because I was a dick about her and Jacob. How could I even do that to her? She probably thinks I can't trust her just because I saw her with her friend.

I sat with my thoughts for a little while before Sadie, Grace, and Maddie climbed into the back to talk to me. "What's wrong, Finnie boy?" Sadie said, putting her arms on the back of her seat, facing me.

Another tear rolled down my cheek, reminding me of how Millie called me "Finnie." "My lord, Finn. She broke up with you, she didn't die," Maddie mumbled for us all to hear with an eye roll. I scoffed at how she could be so rude. "Sorry, it's just, I guess I know that this breakup won't be a big deal for long because I know she'll end up taking you back tonight. I don't think she can live without you and your make out sessions," she explained making kissy faces at the end. I chuckled, and Grace shoved Maddie's face lightly with a laugh.

"What Maddie means to say is that you and Millie are perfect for each other. You both love each other so much and she'll realize that you were just being overprotective of her. It's understandable. Both of you've been the most stable out of all of us once you got together. I promise that you'll come out of this fight stronger than ever," Grace said kindly, putting her hand on mine to calm the shaking.

"Thanks Grace, that was really kind of you," I said, pulling myself together.

"I've known Millie more than any of you, and I know that every problem she's ever told me immediately vanished as soon as you came into her life. I've never seen my girl smile so genuinely when she's around you. But seriously, take care of her. Or I'll be forced to break your nose, and ya know, every other bone in your body," Sadie added after everyone else. Everyone in the car started laughing, including me.

"Ew, you guys were listening?" I shouted to the guys in the front.

"Of course we were. Fillie is forever, my dude," Noah said with a 'duh' face. We all laughed again.

"You guys need to stop with the Fillie shit," I said with a chuckle. We all continued talking about other things, and played some 'Would You Rather' for the rest of the ride home.

| Millie's POV |
"Ugh, I'm so done with him, Jacob. How could he do that to you?" I ranted.

"Mills, I think you're overreacting. He was just being overprotective. It's ok, you guys will get over this. You're in love with each other," Jacob calmly explained to me, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I know, but he needs to learn that he can't do that. It's just that, every time I picture him now, all I see is this monster. I don't want to date that. I don't want to live with that. I wish I didn't see him that way, but it just feels lodged in my memory. Ugh, what do I do?" I asked frantically, trying to escape the answer coming to my head.

"Mills, if this is how you really feel, you guys might need to take a break. Maybe not break up, per say, just time off from this relationship," Jacob said, putting his hand on mine to stop it from trembling under his. "If it's really meant to be, you will get back together, trust me."

I nodded as a tear slowly rolled down my cheek at the situation at hand. Jacob was right, and there's nothing I can do to stop it. Not a permanent break up, just a small break. I can do this. I hope.

| at Millie's house |

I got out of the car after giving Jacob a hug and kiss on the cheek, and walked into the house to see Finn on the couch, eating watermelon. I smiled at his clumsiness, getting it on his shirt. This was going to be harder than I thought. "Hey," I said in a small tone, sounding shy. I cleared my throat to get rid of it, and was soon filled with more confidence, still sad though.

He turned around with a smile, trying to hide the fear in his eyes at what I would say next. "Hey, how are you? Was the drive home ok? I just wanted to say I'm sorry, again. I know nothing will make up for it, but I was hoping maybe we could figure the rest out together?"

I had to hold back tears at his sweet and soothing words. But every time I blinked, I saw him, grabbing Jacob and destroying him, and I even thought about me being next. I didn't want to see him this way, but I couldn't change it. "Finn, we need to talk."

The expression on his face dropped immediately and he held more fear than he did when I brought him into my house after being beaten by his father. "I think... I think we need to take a break. Not breaking up, but I need to forgive and forget about you almost beating up my friend. You need to take the time to keep your emotions under wrap, and I think we can benefit from it. But for now, you can stay in the guest bedroom, ok?" I told him, my heart wrenching with every blink he did to try and keep his tears at bay.

A single tear rolled down his cheek before he aggressively wiped it away and walked upstairs, leaving me at the island, bent over and trying to catch my breath from choking out sobs. I ended up walking upstairs after about 20 minutes of trying to calm myself down. When I got to the top, I saw the room at the end of the hall with the door shut and light shining from underneath it. That's where Finn decided to stay, then.

I sighed before walking into my room and shutting the door behind me, before walking to my bed and grabbing my laptop before FaceTiming the girls. They all responded with "Hey," and smiles. Until they saw my tear-stained, red face. "Oh no, what happened? Is it Finn? I swear I will beat his ass-" Maddie started but I held up my hand, signaling for her to shut up.

"I... I broke up with him, I think," I said slowly, all of my thoughts and words running together to make a huge puddle of sadness and pity. They all looked at me, feeling sorry for me.

"You wanna tell us about it?" Sadie said kindly, before letting me explain everything.

| Finn's POV |

"Guys, I don't know what to do! I didn't do anything! What did I do to deserve this?!" I asked Caleb, Gaten, and Noah on a Group FaceTime call.

"Dude, you need to stop asking rational questions," Caleb said, trying to make light of the situation. 

I couldn't control the anger that was pulsing through me, and I just wanted to punch the wall. But then I remembered how Millie said I could take the time to control my anger. She was right. She's probably scared of me. I've come close to beating up her friend twice now, and she's probably scared I'm capable of hurting anyone, even her.

I messed up, bad. She shouldn't have to live in the same house as someone like me. I shouldn't have even come here in the first place. She deserves so much better than me. Why did I even put her through this. "Finn. Finn?" Noah's voice rang, trying to get my attention. "You there, bro?" 

"Ya, sorry guys I have to go," I said, quickly shutting the computer before walking down the hall to try and hear what she's saying. I know it's creepy, give me a break.

"And I don't know, guys. It's just that no matter how hard I try, every time I picture him, he's this monster, capable of even hurting me. I don't want to see him that way, but I just do. I want to get to know him again because I know he's not that way," I heard her say from the other side of her door, talking to the girls. They said we'd be ok, that Millie would forgive me. They never told me that she would break up with me because she's scared of me.

I made a last minute decision, right then and there, that I was going to leave, go back to the streets. I can't live in the same house with someone I'm madly in love with who's too scared of me to even talk to me. 

I walked back into the room and found my suitcase with all of my old clothes under the bed, and pulled it out. I carried it silently down the hall and down the stairs. She wouldn't have to deal with me anymore, I can't put her through living with someone like me, I can't.

Don't worry, I hate me too... <3 NEW CHAPTER SOON, LOVES!

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