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•I shakily turn around. There, in the doorway, stood my father. An empty beer in his hand. Welp, I'm fucked.•

•Finn's POV•
I started to panic. I didn't want to be hit again, I still have bruises, and they're painful. "H-hey, d-dad," I said, sounding scared out of my mind. Shit shit shit.

"Now what the hell were you thinkin', not comin' home last night. I had to go out and get more beer myself. Irresponsible lil' bitch." His eyes were cold and scary. I couldn't stand seeing them any longer. He started to walk towards me, and I kept shuffling towards the window.

"Don't even think about going out of that window. I'll find you in the streets again. I'll give you a good talking to," he said with a devious smirk. I know what he's talking about. The last time he found me in the streets, he shoved me in the car, and when we got home, he beat the living daylights out of me.

I couldn't even respond, I just kept taking deep, shaky breaths. I finally stopped, nowhere else to go, and he kept walking towards me. I knew this was it for me. I could either climb out the window now, or accept my fate, my father beating me.

I didn't want to get beaten up later, because his punches were always worse when he was furious, rather than just angry. It was always worse when he found me later... so I took it.

He grabbed my shoulders and pulled down, kneeing me in the stomach, making me double over in pain. As I was hunched over, he took the opportunity, and punched me in the back. I fell on the ground, trying to regain my breath. "Stand up, boy."

I stood back up, meeting his eyes, only to get punched in the face on both sides. He then punched my ribs on both sides, and before I could double over again, he uppercutted me, under my chin, sending me flying backwards onto the ground once more.

After kicking me repeatedly, he finally decided he was tired and wanted more beer. He went back downstairs again, and I was trying to get my breath back, but it hurt. My breathing was shallow, and it hurt everywhere in my body. I couldn't escape now, my body couldn't take it. I crawled into my bed.

I finally made it into my bed after failing my attempts twice. Immediately as my head hit the pillow, my eyes closed, and I went into a deep sleep. It's the only way it didn't hurt anymore, the only place my thoughts couldn't get to me.

•Millie's POV•
I was sitting with Sadie on the couch, just talking, when I heard a loud knock on the door. I smiled widely and ran to it, to let in Maddie and Grace. Sadie jumped up, and we all went into a group hug and squealed, before doing our handshake.

We walked over to the kitchen, and they all sat at the barstools at my large kitchen island. I started to pull out various snacks that we would devour while staying up too late for our own good. "So, Mills, got your eye on any guys?" Grace asked with a small smirk.

"Well, I like Jacob a lot, I think he's super sweet and nice. I can already tell he cares a lot about me, you know?" I said with a smile. I do like Jacob, I really do, but I'm not as attracted to him as I am Finn. But I might as well date him, because I don't think Finn is interested, especially after what Sadie did.

Maddie, Grace, and Sadie looked at each other with huge smiles. "Well, I'm actually friends with him. He's in choir, and he talked to me about you on Friday," Grace said with a wide grin. I shyly smiled.

"Really? L-like what did he s-say?" I asked, stuttering like an idiot, my cheeks slightly turning pink. The girls turned to each other and giggled slightly. Even though I was excited about liking a guy who likes me back, I couldn't help but think about Finn. I wished he liked me, and I was worried about him. I didn't know if he was ok, and it was making me really worried.

"Well, he said that you were really sweet, and he wanted to know more things about you. He was also talking to me on snapchat after he hung out with you yesterday. He was asking about some of your favorite things. I think he might ask you to homecoming!" She said giddily. I couldn't help but smile again. Maybe Jacob and I could be something.

"I honestly think he's a cutie, you should go for him, Mills! I think I might ask Jack to homecoming this year," Maddie said, trying to put it in the conversation nonchalantly. I gasped and smiled, while hopping up and down.

"He likes you! He totally likes you oh my God my SHIP!" Sadie yelled, standing up and joining the hopping. Grace and Maddie started laughing before finally joining us in our excitement. We all laughed and joined in a group hug. We were best friends, and we talked about anything and everything.

Which is why I had a hard time dealing with my thoughts about Finn alone. And it's why I told them. "Guys, I know we're all happy about the boys and stuff, but I have something else to talk about that's bothering me," I started. They nodded, and I continued, "Well, I kind of have feelings for another guy. But I know he doesn't like me back." Sadie looked at me with anger in her eyes and her nostrils flared.

I don't know why she hates Finn so much! She has a crush on his best friend, so what's her problem with him! "Ooh, tea! Ok girl, spill," Maddie said, leaning in, excited for some drama. She always is.

"I think I have feelings towards Finn Wolfhard..." I said with a nervous smile. Maddie's eyes widened, Grace's jaw dropped, and Sadie kept staring at me with her nostrils flared.

"It's not like I like him more than Jacob, I don't! I think he's cute, but I think we could be really good friends!" I said, trying to lighten the mood. Luckily, they took the bait. Even Sadie, her nostrils went back to normal size and she eased.

"Mills, I know he was here yesterday, and he made you fall for his tricks, but he's a player! He'll play with your heart, take your v-card, and then run off with the next girl. I've heard about it from a lot of people," Sadie said with her protective mom voice. Maddie and Grace nodded, agreeing with Sadie.

"Ya but did you hear about it from Finn?! No! Which means those rumors might not be true! You guys don't even know him! Which is why... we're going to sit with him and his group at lunch tomorrow!" I said with a smile. They looked at me wide-eyed.

Hey y'all, hope u guys are enjoying this book. I know it's not as good as a lot of books I've read, so thanks for even reading it teehee. What should I write after this book? Should I try one shots/imagines or another book? IDK ANYMORE AHHH HELP

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