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•Millie's POV•
It had been only about 2 minutes after Finn left my house when I saw Jacob pull into the driveway. I opened the door and walked up to him, giving him a hug. "Hey Millie, what's up?" He asked returning the hug.

"Nothing much, come on inside and catch me up on your story with Finn," I said, leading him into my house. We sat on my couch, I sat crisscrossed and he sat facing me. "Ok, Jacob, so tell me." I looked to him to tell me what happened between him and Finn.

"Ok, I just need you to promise me something first," he started, I nodded, then he proceeded, "please don't judge me by what I will say until I explain why," he said, looking kind of distressed.

"Of course, Jacob, I'm not about judging a book by its cover."

"Ok, well Finn has everything. Everything he could ever want. He has the girls, football, he could have anything, and I guess it just bothers me, Millie. I cant deal with him being a dick every day to the people on his team, acting like everyone outside his stupid little group are the entitled ones, not him. And I don't know, I guessed I pushed too far," he said, looking like he felt bad for what he'd done. I believed it, that's the road I was headed down, until only like 15 minutes ago.

"Hey, Jacob, it's ok. I get it, you're thinking the same way I was when I first met Finn. Or the way I'm still thinking. I don't think I would've ever fought him, but I would have gotten into trouble with him. Don't beat yourself up for it, I understand completely." He pulled me into a soft embrace, and to be honest, it felt nice. Someone who understands me, finally.

We talked for another 2 hours, and I'm going to be straight, I think he really understands me, he might be the one. I don't know how to tell him, though. It was lunch time, so I went to the fridge. "Hey, Jacob, you want some lunch?"

"Oh ya, I'm starving. Thanks, Millie!" He said, kicking his feet up. Ok, well, I was thinking it could be cute if we made it together, but that's fine. Maybe he just doesn't like cooking or preparing food. I finished making us chicken wraps with freshly cut watermelon and brought it to the table.

"Aw, thanks Millie. It looks really good!" He said, kissing my cheek. Ok, he's got to be interested, right? Should I go for it?

I'm going to go for it. Yup, totally going for it.

I looked at him, and saw he was already looking at me. "Jacob?" I asked, getting closer. He started to back up a bit, and I pulled away. Ok, maybe he's the one and I'm just rushing it. He gave me a sweet smile, so I just thought he wanted to take it slow.

We started to eat lunch. I put my legs on his, and scooted closer to him before we started eating our lunches together. He picked up a piece of my watermelon and brought it close to my mouth. I bit into it, and then he put the rest on my plate. "Extra watermelon for an extra sweet girl," he said with a smile.

We hung out until it started to get dark out, and he decided he should get home before his parents get worried. Must be nice.

I gave him a hug goodbye, and he ran off to his car. I heard thunder in the distance before smiling to myself. I love thunder and rain. I'm not sure why, I've loved it ever since I was little. Me and my dad used to run outside in our raincoats and rain boots and we would stomp and splash in the puddles.

I went upstairs with a smile on my face, thinking of the sweet memory, before putting on my pajamas and getting in bed. I turned on Netflix and started watching Riverdale. The new season just came out.

•Finn's POV•
I heard thunder, and I shuttered. I've always been afraid of thunderstorms. I don't know why. After I got home, I still couldn't get Millie out of my head. The way her arms slithered around me, she seemed like she really needed it.

I don't know why she would've needed it, though. She's got everything she wants. Everything! She's popular, she cheerleads, she's the captain of the volleyball team, she lives in a huge house, and probably has the best parents in the world, there to tuck her in before bed.

I walked in the kitchen to see if there was anything to eat, but all I saw were 3 more packs of beer than there were this morning. Oh no. That means Dad's home.

I turned around to run back to my room before he discovered I was here, but I made eye contact with him standing in the hallway that leads to my room. "What do you think you're doing?" He asked, his words slurring.

Fuck. He's drunk. I have no chance of getting out of this. "I was looking for something to eat," I said, looking down.

"You don't work to pay for any of it, so I don't see why you should get fed, you rotten piece of shit." He spat his words, and even though I should be used to it, every syllable feels like a knife shoved somewhere in my body.

"I'm sorry..." I said, finally looking at him. The rage in his eyes has increased tenfold. I can't run from him, I have to come back. And when I do, it'll be a worse punishment.

I watched him slowly come up to me, setting his half-drank bottle on the counter. He put his hand on my shoulder, looking me right in the eyes. I looked at him with a pleading look, begging him to not. His nose twitched, and the next thing I knew, I was doubled over in pain.

He kneed me in the stomach and then grabbed my hair and brought me back up, just before proceeding to punch my in my eye. That's a first. A kind of pain I haven't been able to feel yet. It didn't feel good, though, I can assure that.

"That's what you get, punk. You won't be eating unless you can buy it yourself. Have fun figuring it out," he grumbled, still holding me up by my hair. He let go with a shove, dropping me on the floor. I scurried to pick myself up before running out the back door of the house, running as far as I could.

I ran to the one place I know I can find something to eat and maybe somewhere to stay for the night, my father never only hits me once in a single day. I ran until I saw the sign, 'Red Oaks Parks'. I eventually made it up to the address.

"353 Mirkwood Street, just like Caleb told me." He found out from Caleb, who found out from Sadie, who was at the football practice, running the athletics department.

I knocked on the door, and she answered. "Finn? What are you doing here? It's raining out," she said with a concerned expression.

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