Clinic Visit

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"Huahh......Huahhh....Huahhh"I threw up in the toilet for the 100 time today. I was tired of throwing up so I decided to go to the clinic I made an appointment yesterday. So I should be good to fill out my paperwork and get cared for. I grabbed my keys and phone and headed to the closest clinic.

"Uhm,I have an appointment with Dr.Henderson"I said.

"Name"The receptionist asked.

"Renaè Johnson"I said spelling out my first name I didn't have to spell Johnson because everybody knows how to spell Johnson.

"Yes ma'm we have you here but I'm going to need you to fill this out for me"She handed me a clipboard with a paper on it to feel out.

It was just asking what I was here for and was I allergic to anything my personal info like when my last period was. And what I ate in the last few days. I filled it out and gave it to the older lady at the desk.

"Thank you sugar plum"She said taking the clipboard. I sat there for a minute playing pet saga on my phone.

"Renaè Johnson"My doctor yelled across the waiting room. I stood up grabbing my purse.

"Hi,How are you"she asked.

"Fine,and you"I asked courteously.

"Stressed"She laughed but serious at the same time.She measured my height and weight.

"So you seem fine why are you here"She asked nicely.

"Well every time I eat I throw it up and every morning I throw up"I said.

"When was your last period"She asked.

"I'm on mine right now"I spoke. She just wrote in her note book.

"Okay can you go pee in this cup"She said handing me the cup.
I went and peed in the cup without any problems since I had to pee any ways. When I finished I sealed the container and washed my hands. I fixed my shirt as I walked out the room. I handed her the cup and she told me she'll be back shortly. She came back and closed the door. She scooted over to the computer typing in my name.

"Right now I'm just filling in the information you already told me"She informed. I just nodded and watched until she was done.

"Have you had unprotected sex"She asked.

"Yes,almost 3 months ago"I said. She typed it in and informed me she was finished with the questions.

~15 minutes Later~

"Okay Ms.Johnson you are indeed pregnant"She smiled. I didn't have anything to smile about there was nothing there nothing at all. I wasn't happy I was sad.

"Please Renaè don't think about abortion or anything like that this is a good thing well not that your pregnant at this age but that your pregnant that's a good thing"She smiled brightly.

"It is but not when you don't have your baby daddy there when you basically was a one night stand" I spoke while rolling my eyes hatefully.

"I going to tell you this how it is fuck him worry about you and your baby I tried so many times to have one but I couldn't because I aborted my first one sitting in this very office I was told the same thing you are and I didn't have a baby daddy but I had a mom I had family and now they look at me differently for doing that and I hate it because I want a baby girl and all I have Is boys that's not even mine it's not that I don't like them it's that I wanted some of my own now you got something to think about" She said laying it down on me.

"But I don't have a mama well I do it's just she don't love me she let her boyfriend touch me where no grown man should touch me"I sneered with my head down.

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