Interrogation pt.2

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DRE aka 'KING'

I was sleep in the cell on the cold ass bed with a thin ass sheet wrapped around me. I mean I don't sleep with covers anyways but I was freezing. I was so cold I was balled up. I don't know how long I was going to be staying here but I hope not for long. I just want to go home. And be there for my baby that should be here any minute now. I can't go to jail I got too many people that depend on me. My mama, triplets, my niece, her mama, my unborn, and Renaè.
That's eight people right there. That's over a thousand dollars piling up the longer I'm gone. It's not that I can't trust my mama to get money out my account it's that she doesn't know I'm still in the game. If she went to my secret safe at my house it's over I need somebody to get that. Somebody that I know and can trust.


"Tell us what you know. I'll let you off if you tell me"He whispered. "Well first I don't appreciate you pushing me the other day. And I'm going to need you to get those greasy ass hands off me"I said through gritted teeth. "No cursing"He rolled his eyes. "Nigga,I'm grown I'll do whatever the fuck I want to do. And you might as well turn that tape off it ain't helping yo fat ass"I laughed. He cut the tape off and huffed out the room slamming the door in the process. He think I give a fuck I wasn't going to tell him shit.


I seen the police March towards me. He looked mad. "I need you to come in here and tell him that your a witness to this so I can bust him. You work for me I work for you"He said. "You prinise he going away for a long time"I asked."Yes, I just need you as evidence"He said. I nodded and we walked into the interrogation room. Dre's eyes snapped too me. His eyes immediately went black. I knew him for a minute. Not just a minute for a while we grew up together. He didn't even shed a tear and I don't blame him. I did him dirty. But this is what happens when your money hungry. But this isn't the half of it I want his Baby mama too. He just use her anyways. "So we have a witness here that you sell drugs"Officer birds said."So, you have no proof how you know this clown ain't lying"I asked."Be-Because I know alright"He stuttered.And that's when I knew Mario and officer birds was working together. He choked he knew I didn't do that. So I gotta worn Mikey. I knew it Mario is trying to take Mikey's empire. I mean they working together and officer worms must be wanting to be a chief or something. Ain't this some shit."Well, at least your results on that bag don't come back till your court date tomorrow so we can all know together. Then they both left out the room. What if they take me away and I never get to see my son I see them through a glass. "Fuck"I yelled. I was really mad about this my first kid I don't get to see born cause of some bullshit. I was mad shit I didn't want them to see me cry but this got personal and i felt like crying. Man damn. I was heated and really irritated.


Where is Dre? Where is Dre? His mom isn't feeling good and called me and asked if I knew cause the triplets were getting on her nerves and she really wasn't feeling good. I decided to call her back and keep them for a few days I mean I need the practice I know this few days will not be easy especially dealing with these kids they are killing me and I only had them for a few hours. I was blowing up his phone. He was probably out with some hoe. I don't care I decided to get them so I can go to the store and fix them something to eat. I was at there moms house but she was in the bed. We went to the store and they got a few snacks and I got me some stuff for dinner. I got some potatoes for fried potatoes, Some catfish,corn,and salad. I got me some kool-aid and some strawberries and lemons to put in it. I got me some pie crusts so I could make me some cheesecake. After I put them to bed I was going home then I'd come puck them up for school early in the morning and making sure they were doing what they were supposed to do and not waking up there mama or messing with her. I know she ain't feeling good she just had surgery on her knee that was hurting. And I help her with that. In plus she had caught a cold and was sick the other day. I was just helping out since Dre can't answer his phone and dipped out. I guess I gotta help her with her bills too. But it's all good I love her too death and she knows it.

I hope y'all loved this...I tried to make it not as boring as possible but this chapter itself will lead to something important.😘😌👑

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