Granny visit

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I was up at 7 getting ready. I was taking the triplets to my grandma's then going to pick up Renaè. "Come on y'all get up"I knocked on the door. They hate being waked up so they all mugged me. Especially Jazlyn she mugged me and rolled her eyes. Then she had the nerve to turn back over and go right back to sleep. So I had to go and pop her. This early in the morning she start with this attitude. The boys already got up and went to brush they're teeth. And she gotta get popped. This isn't nothing new my mama pops her every morning because this little attitude of hers. She started crying when I hit her but she got up an ran to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. The boys came back and grabbed they're bags. They didn't have to change cause they got clothes at our grandmas. Jazlyn took forever to brush her teeth and the boys went downstairs. She came in and grabbed her bag and walked downstairs. With much not needed attitude. I am so glad I'm not having a girl.I went downstairs and led them out the house locking and shutting the door. I got in my black hummer and pulled out the wrap around driveway. We rode in silence listening to the radio. I pulled up to my geandma's and they hopped out." Tell grandma I'll call her later"I told them. I pulled off and went to baby mama's house. When I got there nobody was here but her. She came out all dressed up and stuff. She looked cute I mean she don't look bad because I wouldn't fuck a ugly bitch. She opened the door and tried to get in but she was only hopping up. I got out and went to the other side to help her in. "Thankyou" she smiled. "Your welcome, in plus you too short to be trying to hop in here" I laughed. She just mugged me and playfully pushed me. We rode to the appointment and she was singing to K. Michelle's love em all. "Can we let her sing the song"I asked."Nigga fuck you"She said hitting me in the process."You gon get tired if beating on me"I said."Nigga I don't beat on you.If you wanted to you could toss me you like 6'3 and I'm 5'2" she said laughing. She was right I am 6'3. We pulled in the parking lot and found a parking. I cut the engine once I parked and we got out. I locked my doors and she grabbed my hand. I mean I ain't see nothing wrong with it. I mean we are going to be around each other forever now. Most parents think until they're child is 18 but what happens when they have a baby, graduate from college, get married, birthdays, you know we'll still have to be there. She walked up to the receptionist desk and signed in. I found a seat and played a basketball game on my phone. Nigga was making buckets. Then oh wow somebody gotta interrupt." She called us get up" She whispered. I wanted to throw a temper tantrum but I sucked it up. I almost got a new high score and miss I wanna fuck people's games up had to interrupt like got damn wait a damn minute. I walked through the doors with a mug on my face."Are you mad"She asked."Yea"I huffed."oh,well I called you like twenty million times"She over exaggerated."Yea, whatever"I spoke looking down at my phone. Ms.lisa wasn't here today she had a day off so we had another doctor named Doc. Kali. She was nice. Aye don't be thinking I like her she was nice and old. She asked Renaè was everything okay with the baby and stuff. Then she put the gel on her stomach. She moved the wand around on her stomach and then he popped up. The nigga was doing flips and shit. His heartbeat sounded throughout the room. A nigga was about to cry but I sucked it in. Renae's cry baby ass was crying. "Is she okay"She asked me."yeah she just a cry baby"I laughed."I'm not a damn cry baby and it's your fault"She said."I'm never having kids again"She huffed."Yeah right, yo Prince Charming nigga gon come along and you gon wanna give him some babies"I said.She just looked at me but I was serious. The lady had then came back with the ultra sound papers. I got up and grabbed her hand. It was about 10 when we left. I was hungry and I know Renaè was because she's just a fat ass." You hungry"I asked."Starving"she said looking out the window."What you thinking about"I asked."Thinking about what you said. Like we're never going to get to try a relationship are we"She asked with tears running down her face."No, it's i don't wanna hurt you so it's best if we just be friends"I spoke. I mean it was true I ain't trying to settle down for what I'm just 17 about to be 18 in a week." I understand"she spoke quietly. It hurt to see her cry I hate when I see women I care about cry,women I love cry. We pulled up to chik-fil-a and ordered and grabbed a seat. We soon ate in silence. She was so quiet it was like damn I hurt her bad because Renaè talks too much.We finished eating and headed to my grandmas house it was 11 when we got there."Hey baby.what you doing here"She asked."Uhm I wanted to introduce you to my baby momma"I said."Oh, it's nice to meet you hun and your so pretty"She smiled at Renaè. They hugged and my grandma led us in."Well, I might say Dre I'm not happy about you and this child y'all are so young and you should've waited"She spoke sitting on her couch."I understand ma'm and I apologize to you and I hope you forgive me"Renaè said sincerely."So, what y'all plan on doing"She asked."We just gon co-parent and be the best we can for him"Renaè said. My grandma nodded and shook her head." Y'all young folks tickle me. How come y'all ain't together"She asked." Well ma'm that wasn't my idea I would love to be more than just the mother of his baby but I guess it don't work like that"She chuckled mugging the hell outta me."Man whateva"I said."So,it's your idea"Granny asked me."yea"I said."Why you don't wanna be with her"Granny asked."Because I just don't,damn. She ain't ugly I just ain't wanna be with her on that level"I explained."Alright, I guess"She shook."Well, I gotta go to church. Them kids get out at 3"She said. I nodded and got up. "Grandma, will you cook"I asked." He'll naw"She rolled her eyes."Nice meeting you baby and take care if my great grand"My granny hugged Renaè then kissed her belly."you too"Renaè said back. We followed my grandma out. I decided to chill at the house we got 4 hours left to pick up the other kids. I bring Renaè to my house too. When I pulled up I got out the car and locked the doors. I walked up the pavement of my sidewalk and up to my door. I grabbed my keys and opened the door. It was nice and clean. Yeah I keeps my house clean I went straight to the couch. And fell on it grabbing the remote in the process. I was watching tv when I fell asleep.


I remembered when Dre asked his grandma to cook. And she said no so I decided to cook for him. I went to the store and got the ingredients to make a Spanish rice. Then I got some greens,corn,and corn bread to go for the sides. I also grabbed some hot links because that's what I make so it'll taste better. See I'm half rican I know how to cook Spanish foods. I know how to cook anything. My mom she taught me how to cook at a young age. After I paid for the stuff I went back to his house and I started cooking the rice. Then I did the greens and put them on. I cooked the corn and the corn bread. Soon the rice, greens, and corn was finished and I was waiting on the corn. I was checking the time and it read 2:25. Soon the corn bread was finished and I went to wake up Dre." Dre get up"I shook him. He looked up at me and started stretching and wiping his eyes." What"He asked."it's time to go get your brothers and sister"I said. He reached and grabbed his phone looking at the time. He yawned and sat up when he noticed he had about 30 min. He started sniffing." My grandma here" He asked."Nope" I shook my head." You cooked"he asked. I nodded and smiled."It smells good"He smiled trying to peek in the kitchen."Thankyou"I smiled."Come on we can eat later"I grabbed him up."It's gone get cold"He mumbled."No, I let it sit in the oven on a low temperature"I informed."oh" was all he said before we walked out the house. We drive to his brother and sister'a school. When we pulled up they immediately hopped in." Who is this"One of the twin boys asked."This is my babies mom"He said."Oh" "Where's the baby"The little girl asked."In her stomach"He said simply." I like her she's cute"The little girl said."Thankyou, your a cutie too"I smiled at her. We talked all the way back to the house. The boys talked a little but they was mainly just talking to Dre. Me and Jazlyn really hit it off she's a cute little girl. She was under me the while time. When we got home they had to do they're homework. Then clean they're rooms. But I think Dre was just trying to keep them away. After that we ate dinner. I kept gettin compliments from the kids saying it was good. Dre didn't say anything he was too busy eating. He got seconds and thirds. When he finished he thanked me and told me how good it was. I knew that when he got seconds. I cleaned the kitchen and put up the extra food. After I finished sweeping and mopping the floor I left out the kitchen turning off the light."You staying the night"He asked."I guess"I shrugged.We went to his room and I laid on his bed I was tired. He then climbed in the bed and started kissing and talking to my stomach. I didn't mind it made me fall asleep faster. My stomach was fluttering all night. Dre don't think I know but I felt him kiss my forehead then my lips. But I wasn't going to flaunt it in his face the next morning. He went to sleep holding me in his arms.

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