Nothing But a Fuck and Duck

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I woke up stretching I looked at the clock and it was 5:00. I was fully rested. I looked next to me and Dre wasn't there I thought nothing of it and went to bathe because I was real sore and I needed a bath. I bathed and I felt better and I wasn't limping anymore. I washed out the tub after I brushed my teeth and washed my face with my proactive stuff. I went downstairs and wasn't nobody there so I went upstairs to change and I put on my black ripped skinny jeans with my red and black Aeropostale shirt. I put on my red and white Jordan's. I didn't even bother to eat I got all my stuff and I left at least I thought I got all my stuff. I went home and laid in my bed just staring at nothing my daddy sent me some money so the stuff is cut back on for a while. I went to school by myself since the girls boyfriends picked them up and I missed breakfast purposely. I didn't feel like talking it pained me I ignored everybody all day and Dre didn't even acknowledge me even if he was sitting across from Me at a different table I barely acknowledged him and that was just to see if he was looking and every time he wasn't.


I was chatting it up with the boys I only told Chris and Rashawn that I hit last night at the fuck and duck place. The place is only for us three anyways we share it together but we let each other know when we'll be there.We change sheets when we leave and if any things damaged we fix it clean up and leave. And we park in the garage if we don't want them to know we there. And if let's say Chris is in the house but Rashawn's f and d is looking for him we say he don't live here. And since I fucked and ducked somebody we all know nobody's aloud in there for 3 months.That's why the old f and d house will be for people we all know and the new one is for the one's we don't know so we can just say they moved out. See it's smart at the same time the boys said that I was stuck on her and wouldn't be able to leave but that's where they're wrong because you see I left.

I know it's short but i bet you from here on it's going to get better I'm the best updater I updated like 5 chapters and I'm doing one more it might be long but it'll come at 7 tonight so keep a look out for it and the next will be the last update until I get 5 comments I don't care if you comment 5 times I just want comments.

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