Chapter 2

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The Queen rarely loses her temper, but when she does, she brooks no argument. - Ingrid Seward

I really am too optimistic. That doctor was not nice at all! 

I've been in the village for two weeks and so far I haven't talked to any of my neighbors... which is great! I didn't come here to make friends with low tiers. I came here to get away from New Boston and the hierarchy. 

I walk towards my house, only to see 2 low tiers standing outside my door. What do they want? One of the low tiers had pink hair tied into two pigtails with green beads. The other had purple hair and bruises all over his face. 

"Hi, neighbor! Sorry to bother you, but we would like to welcome to the village." Said the girl with the pigtails. "I'm Roland and this Evie." Said the boy with purple hair. 

"We brought you a little house warming gift." Evie said, showing me a basket in her hands. "It has some candy, a small painting from the 10th centr..." "I don't care." I say pushing past them. "But..." Roland starts. I cut him off with my best "shadow king" glare.

Evie and Roland quickly backed down. Good. As I said, I didn't come here to make friends. 

I go into the tiny living room and sit on a chair to read the newspaper. On the front page, there's a picture of Claire on her throne in New Boston. the headline is "The Bloody Revolution Has Concluded."

I'm tempted to rip the paper into pieces, but I'm curious about what this article has to say about me.  

I turn the page and start reading. "New Boston has been at war with its royals for 5 months, but after a shocking turn of events. Claire, Queen of New Boston, has turned against her King. According to witnesses, the Queen secretly gather almost all her knights and ambushed the King. Over half of the Queen's knights died but the remaining few managed to contain the King, then banish him from the kingdom. New Boston's Jack will coronate into King in November 1136. The current whereabouts of the shadow king are unknown and most believe that he died in hiding. The former king was born in Wellston but was to marry into New Boston's hierarchy. Does this make him the true heir to Wellston's throne? Will this shadow king dethrone King Arlo? One thing is for sure, that tyrant and monster is in no mental condition to rule a kingdom."

Whatever. I didn't want to rule Wellston anyway. 

I turn to the next page about a turf war between the Kingdom of Agwin and Wellston. Boring! I'll go to the bakery and get something to eat instead. 

I walk outside, only to find a large line outside the bakery. What's all this about. I read a sign on the bakery and it says "Triple Chocolate is being served today for a limited time only!" No wonder there is such a line! I quickly get on line, eager for the famous cake. 

After waiting in line for half an hour, I finally get the last cake. I start to sit down on a nearby bench when I hear the sound of hooves coming close by. 

Two horses that are pulling a golden carriage behind them stops at the bakery. Wow, whoever owns that carriage must be loaded! 

To my surprise, a woman with long magenta hair and a gown, steps out of the carriage. The Queen has really come for the cake. I see her reading a sign on the door that says "sold out." 

The Queen looks enraged and glared at me. Wait... it's even worse. She's glaring at the cake! 

She walks toward me with two of her knights trailing behind her. "Excuse me. I want that cake of yours. Give it to me." the Queen commanded me. 

Is she joking? I spent half an hour trying to get my hands on this cake. "No way!" I respond. "I don't care if you're a royal! This cake is mine."

Suddenly her blue eyes start to glow, indicating that her ability is activated. Not a good sign. "Don't make me repeat myself." the Queen says. I try to walk away but one the knights grabs my shoulder and says "Don't disrespect Queen Seraphina."

Suddenly I get an idea. I slowly start to hand the plate over to Seraphina. Before the plate could touch her fingers, I drop the cake. There is now a chocolatey mess on the floor between Seraphina and me. 

If all eyes weren't on me and Seraphina before, they are now. Seraphina and her knights look too shocked to figure out what I just did. People around us start whispering and gossiping. Some are even laughing at Seraphina. What happens next came to fast for me to think straight. The clearest thing I remember is telling Seraphina...


Suddenly her ability knocks me 20 feet back into the local library. I'm in a lot of pain. My heads and my back are bleeding, and I'm half unconscious. 

Seraphina then starts smacking me. "You're nothing! You are so far below me! YOU DON'T GET TO STAND UP AGAINST ME! You think you're tough shit because of what you just did?! HOW DARE YOU! I WORK HARD EVERY SINGLE DAY! YOU THINK YOU CAM WALTZ IN AND HUMILIATE ME LIKE THIS!" she keeps smacking me. 

"WHO THE HECK ARE YOU! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON. YOU'RE SOME WEAK AND IGNORANT! YOU NEVER HAD TO..." Seraphina suddenly stops. She loosens her grip on me and starts trembling. 

"I made it... I'm on top! So why do I have to still follow the rules? Why do I have to impress everyone?" She grasps out. I'm a'most scared to look her in the eye, but I do, I find tears. 

"Why don't I get to do what I want?" Seraphima cries out. 

I felt my eyes start to droop, and I realize that I'm losing conscious. Before I completely black out, I manage to croak out...

"It's going to be okay."

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