Chapter 30

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A kingdom founded on injustice never lasts. - Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Arlo's POV

Looking back on it, I wonder if I made the right decision. It was my duty to become King if Rei didn't have a child, but I was so young. I had no idea what I was doing, nor do I know what to do now. Seraphina is gone, a tyrant is living in my castle, and the hierarchy is falling apart. 

Why on earth did I think I could be a good king?!

I look back at the map I have been staring at for the past few days. The whole region was printed colorfully on the parchment. For. Nothing. 

Out of anger, I grab the end of the map and tear it down the middle. There was no point anyway! Seraphina isn't anywhere! The whole Kingdom has been checked!

"I failed him!

I failed Rei after he trusted me to be his heir! He trusted me! Not Remi! Not Cecile! Not Blyke! Me!

Why did he have to pick me!? I hate having to take on this burden when no one will help me! Cecile isolated herself! 

Isen is an idiot who can't keep his mouth shut to save his life! 

John somehow has Wellston, royal, bloodlines but abandoned his duties despite dethroning me! 

Seraphina denounced her title, broke up with me, and dissapeared! 

And Remi... She tries her best, but she awful at seeing the big picture and has unrealistic ideals! She believes that all tiers are equal!? Low tiers murdered her brother yet she thinks that they don't deserve discrimination and hate! She doesn't understand that what we do to them is not evil, it's justice. 

Why the hell am I the only one who has to take on the responsibility to stop this madness and save the kingdom for the Shadow King!?"

"I don't exactly know..." a voice squeaked in nervousness. "Can you backtrack a tiny bit?! Why is the kingdom need to be saved and how the heck is the Ace missing?!

I snapped out of my daydream and turned around. A maid was at my doorway with a mop and a very confused expression. 

Wait... did I say that out loud?

"Umm... My apologies. That wasn't meant for you to hear." I say as calmly as I can. The maid gives me a 'no-kidding!' look. 

Suddenly I notice something. "Where is the butler? I thought he comes on Tuesdays?" I ask. 

"He quit because someone threw a crown at his head and was getting low pay." she explained. Whoops.

"Anyway, I have a message from her majesty, the quee-" " I don't want to hear it." I interrupt. I'm not in the mood to hear whatever crazy plan Remi has come up with. 

The magenta headed maid looked perplexed. "It's kinda important. Like very important." she stuttered. "Yeah, it always is..." I said rolling my eyes. I stand up and look through the papers on my desk. 

"Bu-but th-" "Take this to the commander, -" I stop as I hand her the paper. I just realized I didn't know her name. "Evie. You really should liste-" I put my hand up to stop her. 

"Take this the commander, Evie." I order. 

Evie looked even more panicked than she did before. "Yes, your majesty. But I really should tell you tha-"

"Thank you, Evie. You may leave now." I dismiss her. Evie stands her ground. "PLEASE. It's very important!" she shouts. 

I turn my back to her and sort out my papers. I wasn't interested t hear the news at all. In fact, I need some time alone or I might burst from the stress. 

"Please make sure no one disturbs me until 6 pm. Thank you." I saw, but Evie still stands at the doorway. She is pulling on her pigtails out of annoyance and stress. 

"Did you tell him?!" I hear a male voice ask from afar. "I..." Evie hesitates. 

Blyke and Remi burst into my room. So much for alone time. They were both puffy-eyed and bloody. What?!

"Arlo, what are we going to do!? We lost one of our best fighters!" Blyke exclaims. What!?

"I can't believe Isen's gone! He died trying to save my life!" Remi cries. WHAT?!

"Now we have a strong rebel army trying to kill us!" Blyke yells. "WHAT?!" Everyone stares at me.

Whoops. I said that one out loud. 

"You didn't know?!" Remi exclaims. I turn to Evie accusingly. "With all due respect, you brought that upon yourself." She musters. Fair point. 

Blyke sighs and flops onto my couch. "We are so dead. The kingdom is going to burn just like to village of Gage." he says in a depressed tone. "WHAT?!" 

This time it was Evie who screamed. "I used to live there!" she shouts. 

Remi starts crying. "I made a dumb mistake! I dragged Isen to fix your dumb mistake which made me make an even bigger mistake!"

Is she blaming me?! A village burned down?! What was I doing during all of this?! 

"I'm doomed!" I cried. I lied in my bed, which was wet with tears. "I'm a failure! WHY ME?!" I scream.

Oh yeah. 

"What now!?" Remi asks, teary-eyed. I have no idea. There is no solution. I'm cornered with no escape. The kingdom is going to collapse before Remi officially becomes Queen! Wait a second...

"Remi, you didn't have your coronation yet, right?" I ask. "It's scheduled for next month." she says. I smirk. "Make it next week." I command.

Everyone gave me a confused look. "The rebels clearly seem like a flashy group if they burned down a whole village." I explain. "They are going to want to dethrone us in front of a crowd. For example, a coronation."

Remi and Blyke smile, catching on. Evie still looked more confused than ever. "We set a trap for the rebels and surround them when they try to attack." I say confidently.

"What if they overpower you?!" Evie asks. 

"They won't." I say with the biggest smile I've had on my face since my defeat. "John wants this kingdom, right? He won't tolerate rebels in the kingdom. He'll fight on our side until they are destroyed. Once he's defeated them, we'll have the opportunity to attack him  while he's weak." 

Based on the look of the trios' face, they like the plan. 

Just you wait, John. You're going down. 

"We'll avenge Isen, Rei, and save the kingdom!" Remi exclaims in approval. 

Wait, what does Rei have to do with this?

Blyke notices my confused expression and says, "It was them who murdered the former King."

Forget ruining John. I'll make those rebels pay no matter what the cost! I'll end their injustice and put a stop to mine! I fix my mistakes! 

Rei, I'll make you proud!

A/N: Man, I haven't updated in forever! Sorry for the wait!

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