Chapter 18

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The only thing that makes battle psychologically tolerable is the brotherhood among soldiers. You need each other to get by. - Sebastian Junger

Elaine's POV

I jump awake at the sound of horses outside. Why are there horses outside? Is John expecting visitors?

Suddenly a man in a grey tunic and knife in hand teleported inside, next to sleeping Arlo. Oh my gosh! He's going to kill him! 

The man swings his knife towards Arlo's face but I block it with my arm. The man looks shocked and he jumps back, waking up Arlo. 

Blood gushes out of my arm as I pull out the knife. Arlo seizes the intruder and traps him in a barrier. 

"Well, what do we have here?" Arlo says cheekily. "An intruder? What brings you here tonight?"

I try to heal my arm but it hardly works. I feel less pain but the stab wound is still open. Wait a second... This knife looks familiar. It couldn't be...

"Arlo! This is the same Seraphina had with her! He could be the one behind this!" I shout to him. "Is that so?" Arlo says, glaring at the intruder with utter hatred. 

Suddenly John comes bursting into the room with a lantern. "You two better shut up! Some of us are trying to sleep here!" he yells. Then he notices the man in Arlo's barrier. 

"Uh... What the heck is going on here?" he asks. Arlo grabs the intruder by the collar and says, "We found the assailant."

John's POV

What? Seraphina's attacker is here!? "Can you believe this guy?" Arlo sneers. "He actually had the guts to come back for her."

Suddenly I notice something strange. Arlo's barrier is activated, but I can't sense it at all. How is that possible?

I stand by Arlo's side and I give the intruder a nasty glare that should haunt him for weeks. "I'm going to need you to speak up." Arlo commands the guy. 

"Who are you? What do you have to gain from this?" he asks. "What did you do to Sera?" I ask coldly. 

"You're not getting anything out of me!" the man yells. Oh, I am so going to strangle him! "Wait I think we're missing something here." Arlo says. 

What could we be possibly missing?! "Someone of his caliber could never lay a hand on Seraphina. How did you do it?! Tell me!" Arlo commands. Suddenly we hear a crash from the bedroom. What was that!?

Wait a second... Sera's in the bedroom. "Sera!" I shout rushing toward the room. When I get there, I see another guy in a grey tunic, carrying Sera. He's climbing out the broken window with her. 

"Hey!" I shout. The man leaps out the window towards his carriage. I try to use my barrier to stop him, but for some reason, it didn't work. I leap out the window and chase after him. 

He almost makes it to the van but the guy runs straight into Arlo's barrier. "What the?!" the guy shouts. Then he turns around to face me. 

"Let her go!" I command. The guy laughs and puts a knife near Sera's neck. "I don't think you're in the position to make any requests." he says. 

The guy turns to Arlo, who's behind me in the house. You can see him through the window with Elaine. "King Arlo. I highly recommend you take the barrier down. Unless you would like to see the former Queen's head off her neck." the guy threatens. 

Arlo looks fazed by the threat but doesn't take the barrier down. Unlike him, I'm not affected by his empty threats. "Oh please. We all know that if she's dead, you're not leaving here alive either." I say. 

"Don't test me! Do you think this is a joke?!" the guy yells. He moves the knife closer to Sera's throat. I can see a faint trickle of blood. This guy isn't kidding around. 

Suddenly I get an idea. I turn to Arlo and say, "Take down the barrier!" Arlo looks at me as if I have 5 heads. "Are you crazy?!" he yells. I wink at him to let him know I have a plan. 

"Do you have any better ideas?" I ask him. He whispers something to Elaine and she runs off. "Hurry up! I don't have all night!" the guy shouts. 

I look at the guy. All this stalling has caused him to lower the knife. I just need a better opening. "Arlo! If you don't take down the barrier right now, I'll put you in an even worse condition then Sera!" I shout. 

Arlo rolls his eyes. "Please. I'd like to see you try!" he says. "Don't forget that you're in my barrier too. You can't get out of it, much less beat me." I have to admit. We're really good at fake arguing with each other. 

"Seriously?!" I shout. I'm about to chide him for being such a bad king, even Sera didn't want to marry him, when I feel a sharp pain in my back. Huh?!

I turn around to see the intruder from earlier with a knife digging into my back. He must've teleported into the barrier. "Argh!" I cry in pain. Suddenly I hear a crash. 

Someone else has driven their carriage straight into Arlo's barrier. To everyone's surprise, the barrier broke into millions of pieces. I hear Arlo scream. Whatever hurts his barrier, hurts him too. 

With the barrier down, the two intruders rushed into the carriage with Sera. No! This can't be happening!

"Stop!" Elaine cries. I realize that she had been beside the house on stand by. She tries to jump onto one of the horses pulling the carriage, but she trips on her dress and falls over. 

I knew fancy clothes would be our doom. 

"NO!" I shout in rage and in pain. They took Sera! How dare they!? I'll find them! I'll ruin them!

I will not lose the next battle!

A/N: Well, I bet you guys weren't expecting that! Also, thank you for 1000 reads! It means so much to me that you all decided to take the time out of your day and read this. Make sure to like the actual webtoon and support Uru!

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