Chapter 20

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A kingdom is not lost by a single defeat. - Robert E. Howard

Isen's POV

"He's living in the castle?!" I shout in surprise. "Yeah. It's super weird. I know he was Seraphina's friend, but he's a cripple. Arlo would never welcome low-tiers." Blyke says. 

How could Arlo have been so foolish?! Does he have a death wish?!

"I have to go!" I say, pushing past Blyke. I leave the royal lounge and burst into the throne room. I see Arlo standing over a large map. Maybe he's trying to figure out where Seraphina is?

"ARLO! You let the Shadow King into the castle! Are you insane?!" I shout. Arlo barely glances up at me. "I don't have time for this." he says. 

He has definitely gone nuts. "He could fight you at any minute! If you lose to him, you could be dethroned!" I yell. Arlo turns to me with an empty glare. No way...

"He already defeated you, didn't he?" I ask. Arlo looks away and goes back to whatever he was doing. 

I leave the throne room distraught. This isn't good. Seraphina's gone and John's the true King. This defeat is our doom. Our graves are being dug at the age of 25.

Blyke's POV

"What do we do?" I ask Remi. We are sitting in the royal parlor trying to figure out how to find the records we need.

"Maybe we should ask Arlo! He can make Cecile let her in. He is King after all." Remi says. I shake my head. "Cecile and Arlo have serious beef. Plus, it'll look like we're kids, depending on Arlo." I say.

Remi sighs and clenches her fists. "I should've done something. At least tried to fight her. I could've beaten her easily."

I grab her hand and say, "I know you're uncomfortable fighting people. You did the right thing." Okay, I'm lying. If I was in Remi's place, I would've blasted Cecile until she starts crying!

"Thanks, Blyke." Remi says hugging me. I give her a peck on the cheek in return. Remi leaps back in surprise.

"Blyke! What are you doing!?" Remi shouts. What's up with her? We've been dating for months. What's the big deal?

She looks around frantically to see if anyone was there. "I'm Queen now. Remember? I have to marry Arlo in a few months. I can't be with you like that anymore." Remi whispers.

She's right! I completely forgot! I can't believe Remi has to marry Arlo! Remi's so sweet and kind and Arlo is, well, Arlo.

"Can't you refuse? I still believe in us! If we beg Arlo, he might allow us to be together!" I persist. Remi shakes her head and says, "He's so obsessed with hierarchy, that he'd never allow a Jack and a Queen to be together."

Remi fiddles with her hair. "He wasn't always like this, you know." she says. I look at her confused and waiting for clarification.

"Arlo used to be nice and funny. He loved making sarcastic remarks to tease me and sneaking out of the castle to explore the forest." she says, reminiscing. "But when Rei died, he changed. He took his duties very seriously because he didn't want to let Rei down. He died trying to help low-tiers, so Arlo blamed weaklings. That's why he cares so much hierarchy and order."

Arlo? Nice? Funny? I'll believe it when I see it. I didn't know Rei as well as Remi and Arlo did, but I heard he had preposterous beliefs. He believed that high tiers and low tiers should be equal. I'll be honest, I kinda agree. I have no problem with low tiers. 

"Did Rei's death really affect Arlo that much?" I ask. Remi nods. I hug her and say, "I'm sorry he passed. He would be proud of his little sister."

Remi smiles and says, "Thanks Blyke." Then she kisses me. 

"What happened too 'I can't be with you anymore.'" I tease. Remi rolls her eyes. "No one needs to know."

Then we kiss again. 

Claire's POV

"Are you excited?" I ask Niles. Jack Niles gives me a 'no duh' look. "We've been planning this for ages! I'm finally giving my first address as the soon to be King. Of course, I'm excited!" he said in a cocky voice. 

Niles and I are standing behind one of the buildings in New Boston's capital. I thought it would be nice to give him a pep talk before he makes his address. Apparently, he doesn't need it. 

"Please welcome Jack Niles." the herald announces to the crowd. Niles walks up onto the podium by a statue confidently. 

"Good afternoon subjects. I'm here to address the war that is now behind us. Former King John is banished and will not be back any time soon." Niles says. So far so good. 

"Defeating him was easy. Our troops paid a small price and now our kingdom can continue to strive!" Niles continues. "Small price?!" I hear someone yell in the crowd. 

Niles looks at the speaker confused. "Excuse me?!" he says. "4 royals and over 100 soldiers died to dethrone John! King John has never killed anyone until you and your Queen waged war! You lead many people to death so you can become King!" the man in the crowd yelled. 

"Booo!" I hear someone else say. Next thing you know, everyone in the town square starts to boo Niles. "Short live the King!" someone taunts. 

Niles clenches his fists. "Silence! Everybody stop!" he booms. The booing volume just increases instead. This is not going well. 

"Guards! Arrest these people! They have disrespected their soon to be King!" Niles shouted at the guards. "But sir-!" one of the guards starts. "Quiet! Do as I say!" Niles interrupts. 

I grab Niles' shoulder. "What are doing?! These people are innocents!" I yell. "These people are weaklings who don't appreciate what I've done for them!" Niles shouts back. 

"So what?! That's just their opinion! No need to arrest them!" I protest. Niles ignores me and pushes me away. "Do it!" he commands. 

I watch the crowd run and shout. I hear some kids crying for their parents. I looked at Niles watch the sight triumphantly. Is this the man I made King?

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